third episode
Sage: ANXIETY. of the five girls, she's the one I'm most worried about (more than Maya

) it seems to me that she is just waiting for the end of your last year. she is the president of a sorority, but she knows almost nothing about what's going on.
about HOt acrivities (known and unknown) the contact person for everyone is Quinn and not her, Sage left everything in her hands, as if she had already graduated. no one of the HOTs seems to have particular respect or admiration for her, and Sage is fine with that. HOTs mutiny seems to be near, in the air
there is a particular episode that struck me: when Maya asked for help in reason of the problems she has with Quinn, Sage brutally dumped her, without even trying to encourage her. She certainly trusts Quinn, but it's a bad attitude towards a new girl. in a very similar situation, Rusty, non the smartest kid on the block, had a more friendly behavior with MC, Rusty solved a problem, Sage ignored it
the never ending story with Chad (it is sensless for an hungry girl waiting for a cheating, sexually impotent guy) is connected to this sense of waiting for the degree, it is not important to have the right boyfriend, it is temporary, as the fuck buddy MC
in this situation, HOTS hidden activities became very dangerous for Sage, when they came to surface she will certainly be involved, and could pay also a big price: a suspension? an expulsion? problems with the law?
i'm very worried about her future, MC please take care