Obtainable, yes. Anything's uptainable if you got money and know someone who knows someone...
But its much difficult to get weapon when they are illegal or strictly regulated.
Actually Holmes' 4 guns and 6.000 ammos were bought legaly.
So, gun-control might have prevented the shooting
That's possible, though I don't see it as very likely. We're all aware of the extreme violence that's taken place in Mexico since the cartel wars started. Yet there are very stringent laws on the books about gun possession and ownership in Mexico. But those laws are not respected by those who are determined to do their own thing. Where there is a demand (and money to satisfy that demand), there will always be a supply. It doesn't matter if we're discussing guns, drugs or anything else. And from what I have read, this shooter would have still had the means to secure firearms, whether buying them in a gun store or on the street.
And while the guns used by this whack job were apparently bought legally, and 12 people died in one incident, between January 1 and April 1, 2012, 120 people were murdered in Chicago alone. Many of those were children and innocent by-standers. But we didn't really hear about many of those killings - even though it's 10 times the number killed in Colorado. And many/most of the guns used in those murders were in the possession of convicted felons and others who, by law, are not allowed to own or possess firearms anywhere in the United States.
Laws are just words on a piece of paper. If the people to which those laws apply pay no attention to them, they become largely unenforceable and rather meaningless.
But with that said, I also find it
extremely ridiculous that some wannabe Dirty Harry types here are claiming that they could have taken out this shooter if they'd been their with their jazzed up pop guns. My uncle was on a federal SWAT team many years ago. And the last thing any trained law enforcement officer would do is open fire on an armed suspect in a dark,
crowded, smoke filled, enclosed area! Imagine the panic and confusion already present... and someone would think adding to that, firing off even more rounds, would be a good idea?! Talk about making a bad situation that much worse.