Assalamalikum Sir, Your talks are very much required for the society. It's helping me to understand myself as well as people around me. May Allahtala bless you very good health.
Why. We get. Angry. Lecture. And workshop. Masha Allah. Al Aziz. Very. Effective. And. Marvellous. In. Which. We came to know. About. Rigidity. Possessiveness. Thresh hold. Deeply. Ore. And. More. Workshop. And. Exercise. Is. Required. To. Achieve this target. Of. Saving. And. Prevention. One. Person. From. These. Addictions. Thanks. So much. For providing such. Vlogs. Jaza❤
*_میری یہ کوشش رہتی ہے کہ مجھ سے جڑے لوگ ہمیشہ خود کو خاص سمجھیں اور میں ان کی موجودگی کو خاص سے خاص تر بنا دُوں ،لیکن جب وہ خاص بن جاتے ہیں تو مجھے عام سے عام تر بنا دیتے ہیں ...!!!_*🙂💔🥀🍂
Sir aslamo alykom mn sialkot sy hn or bimar rhti hn apsy ap a elaj krvana chahti hn boht madecn kha choki hn koi khas frq ni prta ap ky progam dakhti hn or mjy esa lgta hy k ap sy hi mn theek hn g plz mujy apna cell nombr dy dyn taky ap sy rbta kr k apky pas elaj k ly aa skn plez
Dear Sir, this is excellent talk. I have been watching your videos for some time and I have found you very knowledgeable and useful person. I am also learning many things from your videos. Lots of love for you.
ایک امریکی ماہر تعلیم کا کہنا تھا کہ (پرانا کوٹ پہنو اور نئی کتاب خریدو) اس مقولے کے بعد دنیا کو دوسرے زاوئے سے دیکھنے کا موقع ملا۔ اچھے لباس کا شوق ہمیں بھی ہے اور آج بھی برقرار ہے لیکن اس شوق سے کہیں بڑا لطف اب کتاب پڑھنے میں آتا ہے! اور یقین جانئے جتنا ضروری تن ڈھانپنے کے لئے لباس ہے اتنی ہی ضروری دماغ کھولنے کے لئے کتاب ہے!
Well said Doctor the factors which caused to anger but something else need more from your research for this topic is definitely an value added of your presentation jazak allah khair
sir i use to dream to meet you, in real life we may be meet or not, but through this channel you did a brilliant job, am behavioral researcher, i love to hear you. :-)
@@TheRider.. wtf.......what the friend this is even mean..........?..this question of your don't make any good sense .......? .......does anger is related to belly button or person asking contact is related to your belly button...........😅
@@Thank-u-so-much-for-everything سب سے پہلے تو اپنی انگریزی امپروو کریں۔ 🤣😂🤪🤣😂🤪🤣😂🤪 ایک چیز ہوتی ہے جس کو نفس کی سائینس کہتے ہیں۔ بلکہ لطیفہِ نفس کہتے ہیں۔ اس شیطانی جرثومے کا ٹھکانہ ناف میں ہوتا ہے۔ اور ناف کی گندگی بدبو اس کی عذا ہوتی ہے۔ اور اس کی پہنچ ماتھے تک ہوتی ہے۔ غصے کا اظہار ماتھے پہ ہوتا ہے ناں؟ ناف کی صفائی رکھنے سے اور ناف میں روزانہ تیل لگانے سے قبض غصہ ٹینشن اینگزائٹی ڈیپریشن جوانی میں شیطانی عادات گیس ایسڈٹی سے نجات ملتی ہے۔ آج سے شروع کر دیں ایک آدھ دن میں ہی فرق واضع محسوس ہو گا اور تین ہفتے بعد بہترین نتائج۔ 👍🏽آج سے شروع کر دیں۔ *Anything else you need to know?*
Thank you for a valuable talk on human relations. As you said, "love has to be cultivated". Therefore desirous to know more about some tips to plant love on a different soil from me. May bless you for your services to humanity. Amin
Q1 How many of you want to remain happy or unhappy..........A: of couce happy .....not unhappy Q2 How many of you want conflict not peace.......A: of cource peace(sattlement) Q3 How many of you want sleeplessness or mindful sleeplessness.......A: of cource mindful sleeplessness Q4 How many of you want to have normal heartbeat or speedy heartbeat.......A: of cource normal heartbeat Q5 How many of you want to everone think about you as aggressive person or kind person.......A: kind person not aggressive cruel hostile person --> When we are in angry things are happpening inside of us not we want anger is not natural except unnatural............ amazing legent......intellectal ....but there is a wrong piont here...😅 what is happen without our consious control is unconsious........... is natural ........not unnatural and what is not happening witg our consious control is not not natural ......but unnatural
Dr. Sahib, Thank you so much. A very meaningful and proper interpretation of anger ness. It gives me a lot of knowledge to unerstand myself and control. Allah grant you Jaza. Ameen
Yes sir your second reason for anger neglected during childhood I faced It. By the way at the age of 54 I went to psychiatrist in Delhi and took medicine for 1 year now I am 80 percent recovere. My request to all parents you should not neglect your child. It is very dangerous. 🙏🙏 You are great sir ❤️❤️❤️
Sir, I v been watching your many episodes on different issues which I found very useful education to solve them. This one is also marvelous. Can you or anybody else , can send me the lesson on issue about reasons of "STREES" , I ll be thankful
As per i can see, Anger has indicators before it comes out to us 1. Incapablity or incapacity of anything to do or achieve. 2. Fear than as per anger arrives. Anger is extreme level of emotion. Happiness distance between anger and happiness is more, if people always extravigant in happiness they get angry. Rest, emotion fear, sad are close to anger. Factors determines anger: 1. Mother nurturing child wirh fullfilling all demands by child, instead of saying no and explaining reason. - mother do all works instead of child. 2. Being attached to something more than it should like my bike, my pen. 3. Not able change mindset or belief 4. Jealousy, being jealous of others gain or happiness
Very good conversation for women who are are raising young children. We def do not want to raise our men and women like we see them right now. We have also seen that a son personality may change as they become teenagers and they will start adapting to behaviors of the men surrounding them as father, older brothers, uncles, friends and may be media men. So the change never occurs.
MashaAllah. Sir we always learn alot from you.. InshaAllah soon you will have million subscribers.. We started our channel with encouragement of your lectures about online eranings.
Sir plz as topice pa baat krn sir ma question ya h ka Ma study krta hun or time b dy ta but mjy wo result ni mil ty kia kmi h mjy smj nhi ati kindly plz mri rqst h mjy kuch btyn !!
ماشاء اللہ بہت ذبرداست بیان غصے کے بارے میں۔ میں آئس لینڈ مُلک سے آپ کا ہر بیان سنتا ہوں۔
سلام علیکم سر آپ کا بات کرنے کا طریقہ اور سمجھانے کا طریقہ بھوت اچھا انداز ہی سر ماشااللہ۔۔
Assalamalikum Sir, Your talks are very much required for the society. It's helping me to understand myself as well as people around me. May Allahtala bless you very good health.
اسلام و عليكم
Sr God bless you nd fmly Ameen
Allah apko khush rakhy apko hifz o aman MN rakhy Ameen
محترم ڈاکٹر صاحب ! اللہ تعالیٰ آپکی صحت عمر میں برکت عطا فرمائے ، معاشرے کے لئے بہت مفید وجود ھیں ،
نہایت با وزن انداز بیاں
جزاک اللہ
ماشا اللہ
Javed sahab
You are really a Gift to society
May Allah bless you.
V good professor logical batein werna her koee allah per her cheez day data hai
A.o.a M under graduate d.r or apko dekh kar hamesha mera dil krtha hey k mai kbh apkey jesii humble or expert persnality wali docter banugi 😊😊
Assalam o alaikum Dawat hy meri mera channel visit kary JazakAllah
Mashallah sir ' you doing great job .may Allah give u happiness always . Ameen
This topic I searched by your name I was thinking about it and found it here... thanks a million sir 👍
Why. We get. Angry. Lecture. And workshop. Masha Allah. Al Aziz. Very. Effective. And. Marvellous. In. Which. We came to know. About. Rigidity. Possessiveness. Thresh hold. Deeply. Ore. And. More. Workshop. And. Exercise. Is. Required. To. Achieve this target. Of. Saving. And. Prevention. One. Person. From. These. Addictions. Thanks. So much. For providing such. Vlogs. Jaza❤
ALLAH Pak hamare saron pe ap jese ustaad ka Saya hamesha rakhe Or hamen bhi ap jesa banne ki tofeeq ata farmae.Ameen🤲
🇨🇦 Your level of ghussa is directly related to how far you are from yourself. 🙏❤🌷🎉💐
💞💞الله تعالى آپکی تمام جائز حاجات پوری فرمائیں ۔ آمین 🤲💞💞
Allah sab ko gunahon se bachay aur sab ki bakhshish farmay....Ameen
Aoa . Jazak Allah khair sir. Such a great and beneficial lecture . It’s an eye opener about every angry person who wants to control his or her anger.
Allah apki Umar daraz kre sir
Bht hi accha kaam kr rhe h aap Masha Allah
Wao well explained 👏❤️
Masha Allah
How beautifully professor sahaB explained ...❤️
There is no negative comment this is the level of your respect that you deserves
JazakAllah e Khair for such precious words
Doctor sab, you are really an amazing personality, you are very special.
Mashallah zaberdest hounrable Dr sb thanks for Good suggestion s
سر! اللّٰہ پاک آپ کو سلامت رکھے آمین۔
Assalamualaikum Sir AAP zindagi ki Haqeeqat Batate hain Allah AAP ki Umar me Barkat ATA farmaye Aameen Mohammad Saif Lakhimpur Kheri UP India
Shandaaar May Kareem Allah Bless you always.
Ooo mery Allah ,mjy phly q nh pta tha inka ,he is such an amazing person. Woww Xxx
Khushi ka muqaam yeh hai ke Dr Sahib aap ki zindagi mein aa gaye, dair aayed, durust aayed!
Great Information Dr Sab
May Allah accept your this effort.
*_میری یہ کوشش رہتی ہے کہ مجھ سے جڑے لوگ ہمیشہ خود کو خاص سمجھیں اور میں ان کی موجودگی کو خاص سے خاص تر بنا دُوں ،لیکن جب وہ خاص بن جاتے ہیں تو مجھے عام سے عام تر بنا دیتے ہیں ...!!!_*🙂💔🥀🍂
Balance rakey janab har chiz ki ik limit hothi hey kisi ko has bnnana buri bath nahi apni self respect pey cmpromise krna ghalath hey
1 jasy aktear hun to koi khas nai ho ga khas bne ya bnane k ley kise ko aam hona ho ga .bus ip har 1ko khas na bnehe ga andaa
same effort
Do you regularly clean your belly button or belly button stinks ?
K cc4 22:26 r by Dr @@samreenkhan5595
You are great sir !! ❤
یہ درست ھے آسے خوف سا رہتا ھے بیروزگار ھے
I am amazed how well he explained 🙌
than please explain to me whaat you have learned new things in his speech.......😅
Sir aslamo alykom mn sialkot sy hn or bimar rhti hn apsy ap a elaj krvana chahti hn boht madecn kha choki hn koi khas frq ni prta ap ky progam dakhti hn or mjy esa lgta hy k ap sy hi mn theek hn g plz mujy apna cell nombr dy dyn taky ap sy rbta kr k apky pas elaj k ly aa skn plez
Dear Sir, this is excellent talk. I have been watching your videos for some time and I have found you very knowledgeable and useful person. I am also learning many things from your videos. Lots of love for you.
ایک امریکی ماہر تعلیم کا کہنا تھا کہ
(پرانا کوٹ پہنو اور نئی کتاب خریدو)
اس مقولے کے بعد دنیا کو دوسرے زاوئے سے دیکھنے کا موقع ملا۔ اچھے لباس کا شوق ہمیں بھی ہے اور آج بھی برقرار ہے لیکن اس شوق سے کہیں بڑا لطف اب کتاب پڑھنے میں آتا ہے! اور یقین جانئے جتنا ضروری تن ڈھانپنے کے لئے لباس ہے اتنی ہی ضروری دماغ کھولنے کے لئے کتاب ہے!
There is lots of depth and logic in what this American is saying. I agree with him.
DAmagh ko kitaabe kese khol deti hai kia kitabe damagh ko bandh nahi kr deti.....apni rae di jiye........?
Bahot achhi sharing MASHALLAH
Well said Doctor the factors which caused to anger but something else need more from your research for this topic is definitely an value added of your presentation jazak allah khair
good.....!....but can you help us what is improve/add more points........?
SubhanAllah walAhumdullilahi wallahuAkbar Allahumagfirli Allhumawaramni warzukni 💮🌼🌼
Mashallah very informative and helpful
sir i use to dream to meet you, in real life we may be meet or not, but through this channel you did a brilliant job,
am behavioral researcher, i love to hear you. :-)
Plz contact with me
@@lifebyuzma4681 Do you regularly clean your belly button or belly button stinks ?
@@TheRider.. wtf.......what the friend this is even mean..........?..this question of your don't make any good sense .......? .......does anger is related to belly button or person asking contact is related to your belly button...........😅
سب سے پہلے تو اپنی انگریزی امپروو کریں۔
ایک چیز ہوتی ہے جس کو نفس کی سائینس کہتے ہیں۔ بلکہ لطیفہِ نفس کہتے ہیں۔ اس شیطانی جرثومے کا ٹھکانہ ناف میں ہوتا ہے۔ اور ناف کی گندگی بدبو اس کی عذا ہوتی ہے۔ اور اس کی پہنچ ماتھے تک ہوتی ہے۔ غصے کا اظہار ماتھے پہ ہوتا ہے ناں؟ ناف کی صفائی رکھنے سے اور ناف میں روزانہ تیل لگانے سے قبض غصہ ٹینشن اینگزائٹی ڈیپریشن جوانی میں شیطانی عادات گیس ایسڈٹی سے نجات ملتی ہے۔ آج سے شروع کر دیں ایک آدھ دن میں ہی فرق واضع محسوس ہو گا اور تین ہفتے بعد بہترین نتائج۔ 👍🏽آج سے شروع کر دیں۔
*Anything else you need to know?*
Love from Kashmir sir!!!!🍁🍁🍁
I invite you to visit my channel JazakAllah
Excellent deep dive analysis. Seen the examples given by Dr Javed sahab by myself
اللہ آپکو خوش رکھے آمین
Aap ka mashwara bahout acha hai children's k bare me
Sir i have learnt lot from you ...i salute to yourself...
what are those things share with me....i think i have not learned enough........
very very nice......
Thank you for a valuable talk on human relations. As you said, "love has to be cultivated". Therefore desirous to know more about some tips to plant love on a different soil from me. May bless you for your services to humanity. Amin
Thank you for the lecture 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
Great 👌 Sir l have found solution to my problems . Thanks 😊 a lot
Jazakallah Doctor sahab.
Rich informative logical deep thought video
your comment is also very
I love your statement about anger 👌
Q1 How many of you want to remain happy or unhappy..........A: of couce happy .....not unhappy
Q2 How many of you want conflict not peace.......A: of cource peace(sattlement)
Q3 How many of you want sleeplessness or mindful sleeplessness.......A: of cource mindful sleeplessness
Q4 How many of you want to have normal heartbeat or speedy heartbeat.......A: of cource normal heartbeat
Q5 How many of you want to everone think about you as aggressive person or kind person.......A: kind person not aggressive cruel hostile person
--> When we are in angry things are happpening inside of us not we want anger is not natural except unnatural............
amazing legent......intellectal ....but there is a wrong piont here...😅
what is happen without our consious control is unconsious........... is natural ........not unnatural
what is not happening witg our consious control is not not natural ......but unnatural
Jazak Allah sir very well explain ❤
Shukriya 🙏💞🏡 Thanks Very Much Sir 🙏
Dr. Sahib,
Thank you so much. A very meaningful and proper interpretation of anger ness.
It gives me a lot of knowledge to unerstand myself and control.
Allah grant you Jaza. Ameen
A guaranteed solution to anger and many other weaknesses is to try to understand yourself.
MashAllah such a nice video Sir :)
All time my fav sir😍
Mashahll mashahll ahll saf you and your family ameen jazkahll khar ameen thank you bartender jazkahll khar ameen
حاسدوں سے محفوظ رہنے کے لئے اللّٰہ تعالیٰ کی پناہ حاصل کر لیا کریں کہ لوگوں کا حسد آپ کا سکون خراب کر سکتا ہے
Excellent summary. Jazak Allah Khair.
Yes sir your second reason for anger neglected during childhood I faced
It. By the way at the age of 54 I went to psychiatrist in Delhi and took medicine for 1 year now I am 80 percent recovere. My request to all parents you should not neglect your child. It is very dangerous. 🙏🙏 You are great sir ❤️❤️❤️
Do you regularly clean your belly button or belly button stinks ?
امام غزالی رح کی کتاب احیاء العلوم میں غصہ و تکبر والا باب مطالعہ کیا جائے ۔۔۔ بہت ہی مفید ہے ۔۔
Work on understanding yourself. Lakh bemarion ka aik elaaj!
Allah bless You sir
Excellent Sir. Dhanyawaad.
Ur way of teaching is very good and excellent sir I am big fan of u
Great thought sir.....
Thanx for sharing your knowledge
Thank you for being thankful not being ungrateful......or ignoring
Aslamakum. Dr. Sir very nice. Locater. Everyone. Should be. Like. You. Then. Pakistan. Will Growth good
Allah apko jaza day... thanks in million
جزاك الله سر بہت بہترین
Excellent..very useful knowledge...
Thank you sir, From 🇮🇳 🙏🙏
Good morning sir g apkee speech wakah kmal de honde h toose g Lajawab ho sir g toose great ho garal
Your way of explaining things is inspiring .. liked most of your videos..
Dr sb ma bohat angry man hoon. Aap na jo research ki hay wo right hay.
🇨🇦 In my experience ghussa is directly related to ehsas-e- kamtri. 🙏❤🌷🎉💐
Sir, I v been watching your many episodes on different issues which I found very useful education to solve them. This one is also marvelous. Can you or anybody else , can send me the lesson on issue about reasons of "STREES" , I ll be thankful
Do you regularly clean your belly button or belly button stinks ?
Jazak Allah
Asssalmoalikum sir , bilkul theek frmaya aap ne 👍
Masha from indian occupied kashmir
As per i can see, Anger has indicators before it comes out to us
1. Incapablity or incapacity of anything to do or achieve.
2. Fear than as per anger arrives.
Anger is extreme level of emotion.
Happiness distance between anger and happiness is more, if people always extravigant in happiness they get angry.
Rest, emotion fear, sad are close to anger.
Factors determines anger:
1. Mother nurturing child wirh fullfilling all demands by child, instead of saying no and explaining reason.
- mother do all works instead of child.
2. Being attached to something more than it should like my bike, my pen.
3. Not able change mindset or belief
4. Jealousy, being jealous of others gain or happiness
Very good conversation for women who are are raising young children. We def do not want to raise our men and women like we see them right now. We have also seen that a son personality may change as they become teenagers and they will start adapting to behaviors of the men surrounding them as father, older brothers, uncles, friends and may be media men. So the change never occurs.
MashaAllah. Sir we always learn alot from you.. InshaAllah soon you will have million subscribers.. We started our channel with encouragement of your lectures about online eranings.
MashaAllah kiya bat hy
it will realy help me thanks alot Dr sahib
Great experience for your video 📸 Best profomens
Worth watching this video
Masha Allah
You are great sir
Sir it is our duty to follow your advice
So nice of you dr
Really sir you are intelligent person
Good research thanks
Sir plz as topice pa baat krn sir ma question ya h ka
Ma study krta hun or time b dy ta but mjy wo result ni mil ty kia kmi h mjy smj nhi ati kindly plz mri rqst h mjy kuch btyn !!
Golden words!
Sir u r talking about very depth
Very well explained!
Dr sb aap bulkul right bool rehay han
Besak you are Right
Good sense of your explanation
main ap ki video focus karta hun i get great result