There’s an order to it that I can’t remember off the top of my head since it was changed, but basically refresh your page at the top of every minute until the videos are available to you. It’s something like twice in every 10-minute cycle that you’re able to watch videos even as a non-paying member. If you go back somewhere within the last few weeks worth of pages, I believe someone was kind enough to break down the timing again.
Yes. At the very least, just keep clicking and keep an eye on a clock. I thought it was every 7 minutes, but could be wrong. However, it WILL work!
Yes. At the very least, just keep clicking and keep an eye on a clock. I thought it was every 7 minutes, but could be wrong. However, it WILL work!
I believe there are 2x within the 10minute block where the videos become available. It's somewhat tedious but if you spend an hour figuring it out, you'll know when the next refresh happens.
I believe there are 2x within the 10minute block where the videos become available. It's somewhat tedious but if you spend an hour figuring it out, you'll know when the next refresh happens.

These still work for me, although I've noticed on occasion that instead of :38, it's :39