LIGHT CROSSBOW T8.3 | Albion Online Solo PVP
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- I'm back with my Crossbow build, but I'll only be using it T8.3 in this video.
Hope you like it!
Light Crossbow Build: Fiend Cowl or Guardian Helmet / Hellion Jacket / Any Boots / Facebreaker / Martlock Cape.
Food: Deadwater Eel Stew / Healing Potion.
► Playlist: / matheusdragneel
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Music by Epidemic Sound (www.epidemicsou...)
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Thank you so much for watching!
Good light crossbow video as always man love your stuff
U.U ganhei o Casaco topzeiraa!! Valeu @MatheusDragneel
bro i swear bilbo's in everyone's highlight comps ROFL wp mat
Love the content, but what would you recommend for a fairly new player who roams in 5.1 to 6.1 sets? is there a sub 500k build out there at present that can do well roaming in either BZs, mists or roads?
battleaxe merc jack hunter hood soldier boots muisak any cape
Hi matheus i just started playing the game, what 1h curse build would you recommend me to learn in stalker cd?
IGN: Zendoggie
Aí sim, light crossbow. Voltando às origens hahaha
IGN: JoeTimbu
Só que com um estilo diferente :) Antigamente eu jogava apenas com aquele Q automatico, bom demais ele, pena que nas brumas o pessoal foge com a capa morta viva
Hi, your videos all show your powerful technique
I want to ask, are there any weapons in the open world.
More suitable for fighting multiple enemies
I often encounter several enemies,
those people will show up at the same time
Hi thanks :) Open world you can use Battle Bracers/Carving Sword/Battleaxe/Bloodletter/Bearpaws. It is important to have mobility to evade enemies.
Eae Matheus, tudo certo?
Primeiramente parabéns pelo seu trabalho, seu conteúdo PVP é muito bom e referência.
Eu amo a besta leve, porém sou um player mobile, usar as duas skil que usou no vídeo é muito difícil.
Poderia indicar uma build para jogar corrompida/PVP usando a primeira skill da besta leve?
Opa muito obrigado mano :) O primeiro Q da Besta comba muito bem com o Casaco de Mercenario, você pode usar Capote Malevolo ou Capuz de Caçador/Elmo de Guardião que serão opções baratas, na segunda mão a melhor opção seria Muisec, mas se quiser um custo beneficio pode usar Brumario/Escudo, qualquer Bota normal, sobre a food pode usar guisado/pargo. Você pode jogar de silence contra builds que tem counter para seu Mercenario ou usar o W de reduzir armadura contra builds que não tenham counter para ele.
@@MatheusDragneel guisado de enguia ou de carne?
@@tailonfurquim6045guisado de carne ou omelete
@@tailonfurquim6045 Guisado de enguia apenas se você for jogar com build cara 1m+, build baratinha para corrompida T6 e guisado de carne o baratinho mesmo
@@MatheusDragneel O counter do mercenartio seria o purge/purify?
Buen video!
Sempre trazendo os melhores conteudos !!
Tmj Matheus ❤
IGN: mastrola
Qual o tecla que você aperta para sumir tudo da tela, para ver o inimigo fugindo invisivel
play battleaxe 8.3 if you can pls in vid
Que cara bom!
Que build tu acha que tá boa pra corrompida hoje em dia mano?
Valeu pelo conteúdo 👌
IGN: Nanzeta
Vlw :) To meio por fora de corrompida, faz seculos que não jogo, mas se for de besta leve a build antiga dela e bem baratinha e boa na corrompida, pode ser assim: Capuz de Caçador/Robe de Mago ou Elmo de Guardião/Robe de Clérigo, ambas com Brumario e qualquer Bota.
@@MatheusDragneel valeu mano🙏🙏
Nice 🎉
foda como sempre Matheus, salve!
IGN: Yuzami
Salvee :) Vlw
I am slowly getting the hang of pvp. I have not won an encounter yet but you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette, right?
IGN: JyushimatsuYT
Surely with time you will improve, the corrupted T6 is a good place to learn about PVP, because there the fights are very fair in terms of IP, the builds are cheap to play too
@@MatheusDragneel I think I shall do that
Zohan117 morreu 3x pra ti no vídeo kkk. Deve ta triste pra caralho ele coitado
Ta nada huahauahauh gente boa ele :)
Só moreu no final pq era Felipe joga muito de cursed
Pior que eu tinha um swap de elmo de guardião para lutas assim hahahahahah mas eu derrubei ele no acampamento muito rapido sem olhar a build antes
I just started playing this game, and I encountered cheese crossbow build in stalker dungeon. The guy leaped to me with his helmet, slept me, then silenced me for 5 seconds and then used rapid fire and just deleted me. I don't even know what I could have done there.
He didn’t leap to you with his helmet, he used harvester cap to put you to sleep, he then used sunder shot and his E or maybe just his E. You have to learn counterplay for corrupted dungeons. It’s controlled solo PvP
@@combs3445 So for the combo, he did jump to me. Then he put me to sleep, which allows him to setup his silence combo. I can find the exact item and skill names if you want looking at my death history.
But ya, i'm two weeks in. Still discovering a lot. Not even close to knowing what all weapons do. I've been having pretty good luck though, I'd say i've killed more people than I've died so that's good.
Cleanse or chug a resistance potion for counterplay
@@enjoyingchezzz9315 cool, i'll look into that. thanks
I would recommend the same thing :)
Bruxo é lazarento demais!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Matheus consegui resolver mano muito obrigado pela atenção já cancelei a assinatura
Nds Tmj :)
Face breaker is better than sarcophagus right?
Yes, because in addition to increasing defense it also increases damage
Vs double blade in asia sev pls
Muito bom, continue com o trabalho !! IGN FEANNNOR
Its me again
Hello, I want to know why the map that appears after you press N is translucent and how to set it up
Shift + N
Hi :) In the settings I changed the Shift+N key to just N
TY very useful@@MatheusDragneel
ty very much@@SamBro91
i am gonna try that build ,
IGN- Kodoku
Good fun :) Any questions I can help, the discord link is in the pinned comment if you want to send a message
como siempre buenas peleas matheus
IGN : EastNewSound
I have eaten a kebab.
IGN: Resque
IGN: Noahsx
alto video pa
sempre fazendo vídeo foda demais
TMJ meu mano
Nick: GameMuve
Always the best plays
IGN: Runecarver
c'est toujours un plaisir de voir tes videos
ign : LeGivre
Kkk olha eu aí participando kkk
Ese Zohan es tu filho 😂
IGN: Ignitra9
??? lol 😂
Average felipera classic just press q and win even tho getting outplayed, so annoying
How did he outplay?
Ign : MeanPugs
Ohh, those full loot system ... IGN: BagrovyiFantomas
Can u make cursed staff build?
Ign : Ulbertt
IGN : Aly7v
Esse cajado tá muito quebrado não?
IGN : nqleona
O de cursed? Normal, tem muitos counters para ele, eu até tinha o elmo de guardião na bag, porem não deu tempo de trocar, F
Now that's an op build i should change to caerleon cape then
Yes, the damage at the beginning is incredible, I played a few times with this cape, I really like the martlock because I can bait the enemy many times, for example at the end of the fight I will still have a cape and a healing potion
IGN Tedeka
Muy top
IGN: LukeMilk
nooooosssa aquela kill ali no badon foi de fuder msm em.. trashou tudo kkkk
ign: Haverk
Padrão hauahauahauaha muitas kills tão quebrando tudo =/
video brabo irmao, conteudo sempre top
IGN: Sablecry
Vlw mesmo
Love your vid
tbh i would only say Pro
IGN : TheBulldoser
They should nerf lightx, too much dmg...
The damage is still the same xD I think I finally found a good combination between defense and damage :)
@@MatheusDragneel Ur build is good im ok with it but this mage robe guardian helmet martlock cape guys, no their damages are not normal :D
@@MatheusDragneel one guy hitted me 450 with q no buff only eel stew he was usin damn mistcaller not even muisak or facebreaker or smth like this. And I was 8.3 with tena jacket carving. Broken for sure...
@@TheEverBrilliantGarnlesh I tried many times to play with the Mage/Cleric Robe build, but many builds for example: Carving Sword, they just used their E+W and I lost half life hahahah then they ran and came back with E+W again =/
@@MatheusDragneel I also killed him but got ratted :') but damage was so op man really i never saw any dmg like that before and also he is like playing without cds it was most broken thing for me this is why it was so hard for me to kill it
Can u make a video about how to fight with bows
IGN: Taladril
da um 10 pro Zohan mano kkkkkkkkkk
Ign: stillakin (west)
IGN poteznabestia
IGN? camatus
Ign Lwryki
IGN: DrEutker
Love your videos, continue like that, I appreciate your content
IGN: Drapsag
IGN: AdolfMarriott
IGN : Uranium258
nice one
ign: VOiiD47
Love ur vids! Continue!
ING tolkien200
First ign: Girreti
IGN: pannoun
Ign : krobed
Nice build bro i try farm more gold fame to play this build
My IGN:Bigpennissama
IGN: Soriuu
Zohan117 had a very bad day xD
IGN: AlexR1chter
We all have :)
Ign : TheCaptainY
great content here
IGN: MrHrissa
ign: campeaor2
IGN: Leon1q
nice video
ign: Forlon4ik
gl all
ign: Asura083
Zohan117 3 times wtf hahahaha
IGN: nicoolas96
IGN: Arthurkillyou
ign: mula150ml
Ign: kecske101
Good fights as always
Ing: oreifarofa
IGN: Minod15