Friday, March 31, 2006
SLEAZE   "the way you joined the club was easy...." Director: Christopher Rage (1982) Starring: Casey Donovan, Scorpio, Daniel Holt, Joe Ryder, Jed Black, David Stoner, and Chris Rage; with: Manuel Rodriquez, Roberto Castro, Antonio Feliz I'm sure I've shown this trailer before, but heck, I'm selling it on eBay, so pardon the re-run. Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later. Mac users: To download the clip you have to hold down the option key and then click on the download. To view it from the web page you have to copy and past the URL of the page with the video on it into the address bar of the video viewer (rather than watch it from the page).
posted by bj at 4:22 PM
She died! She died! Mom said she was sleeping She lied! She lied!
My bike died this week.  After several days of the chain constantly falling off, I finally took a closer look down there and saw that a piece of the bike had rusted apart - a kindof important part that sorta holds the wheel thingee and the chain-turning thingee together. So I knew it was time to look into getting a new one, and even used bikes seemd to begin at 100 bucks. WAAAAAAHHH! I still rode the bike, but only very close to home and very very slowly. Meanwhile, I remembered a good friend (and EX, but the good kind of EX) mentioned a long time ago that he never rides his bike. Another thick-wheeled coaster bike, the only kind I really like (handbrakes scare me; I like having my hands relatively free and let my legs do most of the work). Holy crap, he gave me the bike! Very very nice of him, but he said it had been well over a year since he's ridden it, and it was taking up space in his apartment. Picked it up yesterday morning, just in time for errand-running (Trader Joe's! MMMMmmmm) and of course my THrusday night trek way over to the West Side to see my sweetie. This morning was a beuatiful ride home, and I get this email from a buddy, a sorta "long time no hear" hello - and what does he send, but this great song I had never heard, but now really really love - The Luckiest Guy On The Lower East Side. ahhhhh, but not to worry, although my thoughts are all about spring and flowers and sweet friends, the sweetest boyfriend, and great ex-boyfriends, I haven't forgotten all you nameless, faceless, not-hardly-ever-thanking-me for the porn readers who don't care much for the reading part..... I AM working on a clip or two for later, or at least this weekend.
posted by bj at 11:57 AM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I know it's way too early in the day for dancemusic, but - welcome to THE FUNHOUSE. This guy DJ's on occasion at The EAGLE, and it was his playing HEATSTROKE last June that helped me get up the nerve to talk to the man who is now my lovely BF. So, ya know, I gotta make a note to myself to RUB THE BOYFRIEND'S HEAD more often!
posted by bj at 9:30 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
   "You finally gonna gimme what I been wantin' all dis time?" Director: William Higgins (1985) Starring: Tony Marconi (AKA Tony Stefano) & Lee Mann, - this scene; Rob Williams, Shane Sheppard, Johnny Shovel, Kris Kelly, Kurt Sun, Mike Gibson, David Ashfield, Greg Wood, and J.T. Denver. Tony, works in a pizzeria, doesn't kiss the gayboys he fucks in the back room.... but what the heck, he's hot, he talks dirty, and if you had the complete video, you'd see the 2nd fuck where the angle is looking up at his hairy legs and ass. MMMMMMmmmmmm! (not to be confused with Higgins The Pizza Boy, He Delivers - completely different, that one is about these guys who work in a pizzeria and.... um.... I'm selling on eBay (duh)
posted by bj at 12:34 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I am not a morning person, I am not a morning person just ask any of my ex boyfriends, or even the current one (in case anyone was paying attention to last week's vague "I think he hates me" post, we've kissed and (%^&***!!) made up...) about my incoherence and inability to face the day before a few cups of coffee and a couple of slow moving hours.... BUT for some reason, the past couple weeks I have been waking B4 7 am! egad, putting on a pot of coffee, and actually have magazines for auctions scanned, boxes of porno packaged and ready to go, and on those good days, a deposit slip with a handful or porno-checks waiting to get my little hairy ass up to Union Square to the bank. Back to the porno - ummmmm, yum, I have this JIM FRENCH BOOK, MEN, from I think 1990 with some great photos that I hope to post before auctioning, and was also looking thru various magazines, and one 1982 HONCHO had an ad for the above pictured t-shirts. What I wouldn't do for one (or more) of those shirts!!! OK, OK, there's probably a lot I wouldn't do nowadays, but still, I'd be ever so grateful and happy if someone, somewhere out there had one they just had to get rid of and send me! Also BLUEBOY, PLAYGUY, and of course, IN TOUCH t-shirts or paraphernalia...
posted by bj at 8:59 AM
Monday, March 27, 2006
  Director: Lou Thomas (aka: Jon Target), formerly of COLT STUDIOS (1978?) Starring: Bruno & Rod Mitchell Bruno gets help with his sit ups from sexy Rod Mitchell. You have no idea how difficult it was to pick only 4 stills from this clip - I think both of these men are amazingly sexy, and together - OH - MY - GOD !!! ---- Bruno's ass and Rod's sexy mustached mouth - a match made in heaven! and yes, I have an extra tape that I am selling on eBay. Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later. Mac users: To download the clip you have to hold down the option key and then click on the download. To view it from the web page you have to copy and past the URL of the page with the video on it into the address bar of the video viewer (rather than watch it from the page).
posted by bj at 10:21 AM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Secret gig, only 100 tickets available!OK, so maybe posting a common (yet still excellent) Bjork song wasn't really "giving" much. So here are a few mp3's from her Sept 5, 2001 "secret gig" that I saw way back in, well, 2001.  
posted by bj at 9:21 AM
Friday, March 24, 2006
There's no map And a compass Wouldn't help at all Human behaviour
posted by bj at 8:22 AM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Triple Treat   Director: Rip Colt (1983) Starring: Glen Steers Tim Daniels, and Peter Barrie Ahhh, Glen Steers! Hard to believe this clip is from 1983; I've suspected Colt/Buckshot video dates rarely corresponded to when the actual FILMS were made, but more to when the movie was transferred and made available on VHS/BETA tapes in the early 1980's. Compare the Glen Steers, body and face clean shaved, in the above clip, dated 1983, to the Glenn Steers (the extra 'n' is for extra, um, hair?) on the box cover of one of my favorite Al Parker directed films, from 1984 - ONE IN A BILLION. I mean, I know the body hair can grow fast, but that thick, sittable flavor saver just can't be grown in a mere year, can it? Irregardless, it's a great clip, Rip Colt is a great photographer, and he knows just how to use that slo-mo camera work - not just the cum shot, but the kissing and licking that follows it, very erotic to me. Click one of the pics to view the movie trailer (you know that if you view the clip in the browser, you can "right click" and view it FULL SCREEN, right?), or here if you want to download and save for later. Mac users: To download the clip you have to hold down the option key and then click on the download. To view it from the web page you have to copy and past the URL of the page with the video on it into the address bar of the video viewer (rather than watch it from the page). Oh yeah, just posted it last night for sale on eBay.
posted by bj at 4:48 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I'm mean, like, we're already naked, so.... One of many cool pics from a magazine called , Best of JOY BOYS . (you know the drill - The eBay auction is here, and for you non-eBayers, here's the supplemental page with additional pics HERE.) I love these older magazines that attempted some sort of narrative with the photographs, instead of just the mere display of twitching buttholes, cum-filled low-hangers, and throbbing, pounding cocks. That can just be so tiresome, eh? In other news, finally got off my lazy, procrastinating ass and put my roommate ad up. UGH. So many girls, so little interest. Sorry, but I just prefer in this tiny space to be comfortable, and I'd just rather have a (non-cologne-wearing) gay male. But new rules dissuade (is that a word?) you from using "discriminatory language" so I discarded my usual "gay male prefers same" and just put in "gay male comfortable with self" - but NOOOOOO! The girls (and an inexplicably disproportionate number of str8 Italian males) are the main responses so far. Wish me luck sorting thru it all, and getting the apartment back in order to show the place starting tomorrow! UGH!
posted by bj at 1:48 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I Don't Want to Say Goodbye I thought I could hold it together, getting up early, getting postal stuff ready, banking stuff ready. I try not to think that the mourning doves fleeing the nest yesterday was a sign (hell, each spring I go thru the ups and downs with those dang birds, why is this year any more heartbreaking when the babies don't survive...?)... but 48 hours without anything but the tersest message saying "we need to talk, don't know when"....... and then, the music from the computer begins playing I Don't Want to Say Goodbye, and I lose it.... Together our two hearts are strong Don't you know that's where our hearts both belong?
posted by bj at 8:31 AM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Is that a Tofu Pup In Your Mouth, Or...? One of many cool pics from a magazine called simply, THE BOYS. Many are NOVA FILMS models. Check out a few more here and some more here. The eBay auction is here.
posted by bj at 9:57 AM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Older & Bolder 
Nick Romano spots Steve Regis in a scene from Cruising Park; included in an HIS Video compilation called Older & Bolder that i will no doubt have up for sale by tonight. Don't know if it's the cockring, or Nick Romano's handsome mouth - but SOMETHING is making Steve Regis's cock look as hard as I've ever seen it! update: YUP, I'm selling IT on eBay
posted by bj at 7:54 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
3's company
posted by bj at 12:17 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
dirty, but not TOO dirty This is from a STALLION magazine I'm selling on eBay - I love how the camouflage "dirt" is everywhere but his shaved crotch.
posted by bj at 11:05 AM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Junior Cadets (#4)   "Bill Miller was excited when he got back to his dorm room after the last day of class. His big brother, Bart, was coming to visit any time now....."
posted by bj at 11:44 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
NOVEL JEWS I guess I've never really quite grappled with just how much pornography I possess until this week - the week I am having the apartment painted. UGH! I mean, I know by this time next week, it will be great, all clean and fresh and ready for Spring (and the roommate search) but you have no idea how many boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes (i could go on, but I won't) of videos; and piles and piles and ..... you get it... of magazines and books. (a lot of magazines and porno books!) Did I mention the vintage art pottery and the massive amounts of Russel Wright bowls and dinnerware? So I thought I had everything arranged - they finished the plastering last week, sanding would happen Monday, and painting half the apartment Tuesday, a break Wednesday so I could move everything from the bedroom into the newly painted parts, and have the bedroom painted on Thursday. So far so good. Just to be on the safe side, I even took off Wednesday night so I had day nad night time to move everything in a rational, level-headed way without marring any of the newly painted walls. But of course the super's schedule got rearranged, and we had to re-negotiate this afternoon - meaning they are DOING NOTHING TODAY (ugh ergh! ugh) and won't paint until Wednesday. They proposed giving me Thursday "off" to rearrange the apartment, and they'd come back Friday or Saturday. I knew there was no way they'd actually work on Saturday, and I didn't want this to go into next week, so I told whined how I took Wednesday night off work, figuring it might pressure them to get to it. They proposed I move everything Wednesday night, and they finish up Thursday. Now, what does that have to do with the "post title" above, Novel Jews? I had hoped, if I worked really really hard, I could afford a spare hour on this unexpected night off from the restaurant and go over to this conveniently located reading series that's not only FREE, but this month features two buddies of mine! Wayne Hoffman will be reading from his upcoming first novel, Hard and Aaron Hamburger will be reading from his second book, Faith for Beginners. (2004's The View from Stalin's Head was quite good - but you already knew that) oh well. I guess if i stay up really late tonight after work, I can move some stuff around - as I am always in the mood more rearranging my life at 1 a.m. ERGH!
posted by bj at 3:04 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
from The AL PARKER ALBUM:   
posted by bj at 5:14 AM
Friday, March 03, 2006
sexplicit action SKINFLICKS is a lovely little publication that specializes in photoshoots from ALL MALE FUCK FILMS ; the above pic is from something I'm selling on eBay, which includes a photospread from Steve Scott's fantastic 1984 film, SCREENPLAY; - auction ends Wednesday. Here's a full pic of the cover.
posted by bj at 4:12 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I cried a tear You wiped it dry I was confused You cleared my mind
 OK- I had NOfukin' idea how many sikfuks read this page - enough already with the "OH OH! it's ANNE MURRAY!" emails!!! And chart postions!!??? (pop singles, hit #1, adult contemporary, peaked at #3, country singles, #4)
Now, pull down your pants (pull 'em down, damnit!), click this link to YOU NEEDED ME, pull out your wee-wee, and whack like you've never whacked before!!! You held my cock When it was cold When I was lost You took my hole
posted by bj at 12:24 PM