Cheng-Hsin Hsu, Kyu-Han Kim, Jatinder Pal Singh, David M Chen, Sam Tsai, Bernd Girod
Publication date
Patent office
Patent number
Application number
(57) ABSTRACT A method of tracking an inventory of objects via a mobile communications device includes acquiring an image of one or more of the objects via the mobile communications device, which also collects a location of the mobile com munications device while acquiring the image of the one or more of the objects. The location and image are transferred from the mobile communications device to a remote server via a wireless network, such that the one or more of the objects are identified at the server based on the image, and the location and identity of the one or more objects are stored on a database associated with the server.
Scholar articles
CH Hsu, KH Kim, JP Singh, DM Chen, S Tsai, B Girod - US Patent 9,805,331, 2017