Best of Tom Segura & Theo Von - PART 1

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Free Stickers - / joke.wrld
    Joke WRLD Podcast: jokewrld.buzzs...
    The funniest moments between Theo Von and Tom Segura. Clips are from This Past Weekend episode 213.
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Комментарии • 727

  • @Mike-hx1lv
    @Mike-hx1lv 3 года назад +2308

    “He was semi-pro, like he beat people up in the area” 😆😆😆😆

  • @andreranch6161
    @andreranch6161 3 года назад +1579

    Tom just goes along with the crazy shit Theo says and doesn’t even change his tone, it’s hilarious 🤣

    • @Jaikay1
      @Jaikay1 3 года назад +26

      'Carry on...' haha! He does it to Bert too.

    • @yannikakapralli
      @yannikakapralli 3 года назад

      @@Jaikay1 xD

    • @elated6865
      @elated6865 3 года назад +25

      Cause he knows Theos about to say some crazy shit, I love it

    • @travisboyd6272
      @travisboyd6272 3 года назад +3

      Burnt syndrome. Just agree with crazy.

    • @PinkuStyle
      @PinkuStyle 3 года назад +2

      He works with Bert .... Best training

  • @Xavierlopez111
    @Xavierlopez111 3 года назад +599

    “the other day i heard him say carry the 40, he’s done man” i fucking died 😂

    • @connorlangley6888
      @connorlangley6888 3 года назад +6

      Killed me, out of nowhere

    • @posteador
      @posteador 3 года назад +5

      Killed me with that bit.

    • @mimas7450
      @mimas7450 3 года назад +12

      He just said that and I burst out laughing in front of 4 ppl at a silent train station

    • @sv676
      @sv676 3 года назад +1

      Non us person here, what was he supposed to say? I dont understand the reference. unless he meant .50 caliber, was that it?

    • @connorlangley6888
      @connorlangley6888 3 года назад +2

      @@sv676 it's in reference to a typical math formula but it's a bad sign that it got to that large of a number, "he's done"

  • @ManateeMentality
    @ManateeMentality 3 года назад +541

    4:00 Theo describing sex with older people as like holding a bag of someone and they’re inside of it. I laughed so hard.

    • @thomasgagnon-jones6643
      @thomasgagnon-jones6643 2 года назад +2

      Was sooooo funny

    • @Analogy13
      @Analogy13 2 года назад +4

      He said "HE" too

    • @Finwe24
      @Finwe24 2 года назад +5

      "Besides when I came out of my mother?" was batshit hilarious

    • @phobos258
      @phobos258 Год назад +1

      holy shit. the whole bit had me crying

    • @Brukner841
      @Brukner841 Год назад

      but a brilliant way of describing a frail person with no muscle left, another reason to keep lifting/yoga etc. I couldn't even laugh at how visceral and real it was. Half of the time I honestly think Theo doesn't even try, he just is comedy.

  • @mitchadams4790
    @mitchadams4790 3 года назад +440

    Everyone says Theo is making everything up, until he actually shows you a horrific scar lol

    • @offthegridliving3339
      @offthegridliving3339 3 года назад +54

      I am from and in Louisiana, he ain’t making it up.

    • @DirtSpud
      @DirtSpud 3 года назад +4

      @Killer Killer B THIS! %100. There are separate worlds that exist completely unknown to the average person. You got to be deep within it sometimes to catch on to it lol

    • @drprofessorpowersport
      @drprofessorpowersport 3 года назад +11

      that's the strategy lol say a bunch of shit that's iffy then finally prove one of them and they all become true 🤣

    • @th3unmaker
      @th3unmaker Год назад +4

      approximately 97% of everything theo says publicly is made up from whole cloth. He is a twisted genius.

  • @subwayjrod1
    @subwayjrod1 3 года назад +1487

    It took me years of being into comedy to like Theo, now he's one of my top favorites. His analogies make no sense and perfect sense at the same time, I always end up dying laughing.

    • @TSTD_Punisher
      @TSTD_Punisher 3 года назад +76

      "I heard him say carry the 40" is one of the smartest ways to call someone dumb I've heard in a while

    • @michaellaskero2090
      @michaellaskero2090 3 года назад +27

      I'm right there with you. I kind of slept on Theo at first, only seeing some brief clips here and there. He's really grown on me the last few months, after giving him more of a chance

    • @ZombodyDead
      @ZombodyDead 3 года назад +18

      It took me awhile too. I watched part of his stand up special & kinda hated it. Podcasts really let him shine.

    • @deanjuliano7849
      @deanjuliano7849 3 года назад +15

      There's no way that as a child Theo Von wasn't told the phrase:
      "You're the reason we have warning labels."

    • @Cactus_Wack411
      @Cactus_Wack411 3 года назад +15

      Truly believe he’s now the modern day norm in his own form. A joke within a joke. “Comedy is surprises, if they don’t laugh at your joke, that’s hilarious itself”. Rip norm

  • @kylebowers6093
    @kylebowers6093 3 года назад +54

    "I heard him one time say carry the 40" - that shit killed me for some reason.

  • @jaybabe7767
    @jaybabe7767 3 года назад +409

    Theo "dude we had this one guy" von

    • @t0p-D
      @t0p-D 3 года назад +7

      I read that comment as he said that, for the 9th time lmao love Theo

    • @tooletime09
      @tooletime09 3 года назад +6

      It’s Louisiana man, everybody is that one guy

    • @michaeladams5031
      @michaeladams5031 3 года назад +1

      Always right lol "we had this one guy" Theo said to EVERY statement lol

  • @narcthy993
    @narcthy993 3 года назад +13

    that cut from “do you like thin crust?” to “i wouldn’t wanna sleep in the same bed with my mom” had me so confused, i was dying

  • @davidjohnson5703
    @davidjohnson5703 2 года назад +42

    I love how Tom won’t stop Theo when he’s talking crazy. Just let’s it flow so he can go off and get out his thoughts. We thank you for that Tom.

  • @boxlunch1698
    @boxlunch1698 3 года назад +315

    "whats the biggest age gap"
    "you mean besides when I came out of my mother"
    wtf bro like just wtf

    • @jgasp1803
      @jgasp1803 3 года назад +2

      That was insane This killed me too

    • @rileyreno3884
      @rileyreno3884 3 года назад +9

      Absolutely the most wtf shit he could’ve said. 😂😂😂😂

    • @jacobwilliams5584
      @jacobwilliams5584 3 года назад +4

      When his father put him in his mother😂🤷🏼‍♂️

    • @sisigpapi
      @sisigpapi 3 года назад +5

      Tom was super nonchalant too lmao

    • @MasterChris96
      @MasterChris96 2 года назад

      Lmao who talks like that!

  • @DirtSpud
    @DirtSpud 3 года назад +297

    The only reason I believe most of Theo's "we had a guy once" stories is because I grew up in a WEIRD ass little town and a few of the characters I knew are hard to believe. We have a well known guy named "Suzie" or SuzeDawg who would run up and down the tourist areas of the town barking like a dog and chasing tourists around. We wouldn't even say whats up to him, everyone who knew him would just throw out a small dog bark and he would bark back. My hometown is an old mining town that recently re opened the mines and he ended up stealing ammonium nitrate and a blasting cap and setting off a crude bomb in the mountains above the tourist area of our town. The explosion was so loud the sound traveled through the entire town and up the main canyon road. Because of that tourists no longer felt safe and stopped visitng our town until the city was forced to install cctv cameras allllll over the place. A crazy tweaker dude who barks like a dog was so batshit it forced a small town to spend thousands of dollars on cameras just to make tourists feel safe. Lol they never tried to arrest him or discipline him and everyone knew who was responsible. They just turned a blind eye lol. He is still running around town, last time i seen him he was playing hacky sack in the middle of the highway. And the cherry on top of everything is that Doug Stanhope decided to open a compound and live there, of all places. Wouldn't be surprised if he knows SuzeDawg.

    • @betteryou7hanme
      @betteryou7hanme 3 года назад +24

      Billy "Conforto" was a real dude. His last name was Mince. Lots of articles online about his family's history as Boxers.

    • @DirtSpud
      @DirtSpud 3 года назад +7

      @@betteryou7hanme yeah I know I've seen his obituary being posted as a link in some comments. I'm just talking about Theos stories of his hometown in general. Some of them sound far fetched until you remember he came from a small town.

    • @ENikolaev
      @ENikolaev 3 года назад +2

      @@pnwlife8593 comedian

    • @koreymcfarland8737
      @koreymcfarland8737 3 года назад +3

      Open a compound huh? But aren't compounds meant to be secure? Is this some kind of sick joke from stanhope?

    • @jbrown634
      @jbrown634 3 года назад

      R u from Bisby AZ?

  • @wingslikeairplanesTV
    @wingslikeairplanesTV 3 года назад +173

    “I mean I know it’s a probably decent number, it’s probably something Brendan Schaub couldn’t count to”
    Bro 😂 so true

    • @fertilebeef802
      @fertilebeef802 3 года назад

      I mean, that could be any number above 9

  • @Rehk
    @Rehk 3 года назад +87

    Theo forsure steals catalytic converter‘s after the show

    • @montanaelkwhisperer1744
      @montanaelkwhisperer1744 3 года назад

      I'm thinking about starting doing that as a grass roots business.

    • @incitingariot9925
      @incitingariot9925 3 года назад

      No. He steals them during the opener. After the show he does a meet and greet and people leave.

  • @BOKtober
    @BOKtober 3 года назад +310

    Theo is the master of talking top shelf dribble and that really works with the podcast format

    • @skark911
      @skark911 3 года назад +3

      But is he a punter AND a dribbler?

    • @irishrainforestsounds
      @irishrainforestsounds 3 года назад +8

      This seems erroneous hahahaha

    • @BOKtober
      @BOKtober 3 года назад

      @@irishrainforestsounds I had to google erroneous after he said it and it was the perfect word ahaha

    • @jacobbatzloffnagle8674
      @jacobbatzloffnagle8674 3 года назад +1

      mark kavanagh beers soon

    • @AirCoded1523
      @AirCoded1523 2 года назад +1

      @@BOKtober that Doctorate you have is honorary huh

  • @ZitiPatrol
    @ZitiPatrol 3 года назад +12

    Tom Segura Joey Diaz and Theo Von need a consistent podcast, holy shit.

  • @dominichahn169
    @dominichahn169 3 года назад +31

    “It got weird at the end”
    “Yeah it got weird at the end in court”💀💀💀

  • @Tony-zp2bb
    @Tony-zp2bb Год назад +1

    Tom and Theo is like a dream I've had. The conversation is so surreal. 😂

  • @RA-dn2ic
    @RA-dn2ic 3 года назад +121

    Shout out to Theo always giving Mexicans love. He’s invited to the carne asadas.

  • @DR-rs6ou
    @DR-rs6ou 3 года назад +63

    Had to acknowledge TheoGate there at the end. Respect, jean.

  • @atm6870
    @atm6870 3 года назад +258

    It’s like watching Tom try to have have a conversation with one of Christina’s tiktoks

    • @PWDooood
      @PWDooood 3 года назад +4

      Except Tom is actually laughing

    • @thewickedzaku
      @thewickedzaku 3 года назад +2

      If that were true Tom would have rolled his eyes multiple times and started laying around the table till Theo was done.

  • @TurdFerguson456
    @TurdFerguson456 3 года назад +39

    Just started liking Theo. I learned this is common. Most don't understand/like him at first but always end up loving him.

    • @tjjackson242
      @tjjackson242 2 года назад +3

      I’m one of the few who got him immediately. I’m also from a small, crazy southern town w plenty of stories

  • @turbotim129
    @turbotim129 2 года назад +68

    Sometimes I don't think even Theo knows where his train of thought is leading.

    • @lvmichael34
      @lvmichael34 2 года назад

      Rode straight into an embankment

  • @bradtate10
    @bradtate10 3 года назад +12

    "Carry the 40" almost gave me a heart attack 😂

  • @LJT9393
    @LJT9393 3 года назад +8

    She was like I’m gonna take a shower.. and I thou- ‘though she was gonna say shit?’ .. no 😂 that was golden. Same with the ‘why was it bad cause you fell in love?’

  • @andrewgracia1443
    @andrewgracia1443 3 года назад +8

    6:20 My favorite part “it looks like Bill Belichick”. ….Theo “wooooow”. Lmao

  • @srsucioguapodelsur8845
    @srsucioguapodelsur8845 3 года назад +69

    As a lifelong Texan, when Theo said “Safe Mexican”, San Antonio immediately sprang into my mind

    • @3KneeDeep
      @3KneeDeep 3 года назад +4

      Yeah we pretty mild here lol

    • @90whatever
      @90whatever 3 года назад +4

      Depends which side of town and or neighborhood...Arena district, East Terrell Hills...Pecan Valley...there are some shit holes you don't want to be in after dark....but the vast majority of the 75% of hispanics in town are great people...i married one of them.

    • @Bonsoirmonamie
      @Bonsoirmonamie 2 года назад

      @@90whatever what’s his name 😏

    • @PatricenotPatrick
      @PatricenotPatrick 2 года назад +1

      @@90whatever girl y’all exaggerate it’s not that bad lol. Way better than some of these Houston slums 😂

  • @mmageek
    @mmageek 3 года назад +36

    “Drinking aloe vera under a wagon”

  • @JoseCastillo-cr3gh
    @JoseCastillo-cr3gh 3 года назад +17

    Flowers for Algernon🤣 Theo is a joke genius

  • @williamswiniuch7527
    @williamswiniuch7527 3 года назад +186

    Theo looks like he carries WD-40 in his pocket

    • @OnPointFirearms
      @OnPointFirearms 3 года назад +5

      Like a sample pack, little pouch? Or like a full can? Or both?

    • @williamswiniuch7527
      @williamswiniuch7527 3 года назад +16

      @@OnPointFirearms definitely a half full can

    • @caterpillakilla
      @caterpillakilla 3 года назад +11

      yea he sprays it on his elbows and knees to loosen up dem joints

    • @koreymcfarland8737
      @koreymcfarland8737 3 года назад +5

      If not on him, definitely in his truck

    • @JimmyDRoberts
      @JimmyDRoberts 3 года назад +1

      For sniffin'...

  • @kxalmxghty2163
    @kxalmxghty2163 3 года назад +5

    “kinda weird towards the end… in court” sent me😂😂😂

  • @Deimos_Day
    @Deimos_Day 3 года назад +22

    These are cut together so well that i wasn't watching while listening and it all sounds like one conversation going

  • @chestertonhawks9823
    @chestertonhawks9823 2 года назад +6

    One of the greatest podcast videos ever. I come rewatch it when I’m missing the earlier days when people didn’t know each other

  • @french1804
    @french1804 3 года назад +14

    "He was a gay fire fi- no fist fighter" lol.

  • @CommanderxShepard
    @CommanderxShepard 2 года назад +4

    “I heard him say carry the 40, I was like he’s done..”
    I’m fucking dead Lmfao

  • @4RunnerRigatoni
    @4RunnerRigatoni 3 года назад +9

    I'm glad there is a comedian out there that has a weird ass sense of humor like me.

  • @jnicewarner
    @jnicewarner 2 года назад +2

    “Like a black me.. which is fine!” Got me 😂

  • @imperialis40k
    @imperialis40k 2 года назад +8

    Theo von is a story teller but adds in his own analogies and personal experiences and it just hits the funny bone 😂

  • @Mike9201984
    @Mike9201984 3 года назад +194

    “Bill Belichick with a wig”
    That’s a fucking nightmare.

  • @Maskin-n1
    @Maskin-n1 3 года назад +35


  • @WolfMannKB
    @WolfMannKB Год назад +1

    12:34 theo being asked about cooking shows 😂

  • @mattkeith1180
    @mattkeith1180 3 года назад +9

    “I’m talking like with a pistol on an animals back” Hahahaha!

  • @andohish27
    @andohish27 3 года назад +9

    Theo Von, the king of catchphrases.

    • @deanjuliano7849
      @deanjuliano7849 3 года назад

      "Why was I there?
      I was snorting dolphin dandruff, and doin dope. Lookin for the LORD, my brotha."

  • @BigPlaysOnly
    @BigPlaysOnly 3 года назад +19

    Theo is basically my favorite human 😂😂

  • @mitch2624
    @mitch2624 2 года назад +1

    "By far... name one!"

  • @xxfrank12
    @xxfrank12 3 года назад +6

    5:09 “it was kinda great at the beginning then got kinda weird towards the end”
    Theo: yeah kinda weird towards the end.. in court 😂😂😂

  • @thomasmenard1799
    @thomasmenard1799 3 года назад +13

    This was amazing to listen to stoned the lack of transitions makes this wonderful to follow.

  • @GalactusOG
    @GalactusOG 2 года назад +2

    Theo and Tom click like magic

  • @McFunnyBone
    @McFunnyBone 3 года назад +13

    "Were you gonna say hundreds?" Holds on that shit eating grin 🤣🤣🤣

  • @ChuyKillah
    @ChuyKillah Год назад +8

    How Tom kept his composure to that "Besides when I came out of my mother" joke is beyond me - so funny

  • @Kariokid
    @Kariokid 3 года назад +30

    Man I know they both have so many podcasts, but they're so funny together and would make a great podcast.

    • @jamesjohnson8257
      @jamesjohnson8257 Год назад

      They move done so many podcasts and yet I've never heard any of these stories. So great

  • @francothesucc9701
    @francothesucc9701 3 года назад +3

    “You’re talking to someone who was molested brother” lmao too real

  • @clipsedrag13
    @clipsedrag13 2 года назад +29

    tom is an absolute beast of an interviewer. he controlled every aspect of the conversation

    • @John-mf1sz
      @John-mf1sz Год назад

      Tom literally drives ever conversation straight into a damn *embankment* .

  • @jacobbenham3521
    @jacobbenham3521 3 года назад +7

    “Carry the 40” 😂

  • @jacobp6664
    @jacobp6664 3 года назад +8

    Joke WRLD stay posting bangers, thank you bro🙏🔥

  • @corbinwilhonen7151
    @corbinwilhonen7151 2 года назад +1

    “Probably a number brenden shaw couldn’t count to” I’m still dying! 😂

  • @zach6050
    @zach6050 3 года назад +28

    I went to the comedy store and heard of Theo for the first time in my life when I ditched a week long pickup artist class in Hollywood. He was 1 away from the last comedian and the best of the night. Him, Bobby Lee, and an Asian chick that has a Netflix special now are the only ones I remember. Thankfully, I got the front row seat since the door people pitied me cause I looked homeless and lost. Theo roasted everyone in the front row but me. I was a little disappointed not gonna lie.

    • @dylliedutch
      @dylliedutch 3 года назад +15

      You should have announced that you were in town to go to a week long pickup class. Someone would have definitely roasted you.

    • @zach6050
      @zach6050 3 года назад +1

      @@dylliedutch oh for sure.

    • @pwnstarryan5265
      @pwnstarryan5265 3 года назад +2

      You were too easy of a target.

  • @abartsch818
    @abartsch818 6 месяцев назад +1

    "Dude this girls house I went over to oen time he had probably... 5-6 dogs dude" lol 😂😂

  • @PhantomLizzard77
    @PhantomLizzard77 3 года назад +2

    15:05 for life papa KILLED me.

  • @msyedx
    @msyedx 3 года назад +12

    these videos are so well done! subscribed!

  • @kdailey4315
    @kdailey4315 Год назад +2

    Literally 22 minutes of Tom rolling with Theo's intrusive thoughts.

  • @redzula
    @redzula 3 года назад +72

    Tom absolutely thought Theo was talking 48 as the age difference not just the lady's age.

    • @MacktasticSlick_
      @MacktasticSlick_ 3 года назад +6

      100% facts lol I just watched that part as scrolling past your comment lol

    • @StreifelXP
      @StreifelXP 3 года назад

      If Theo didn't normally have an odder cadence of speech I would think he did that on purpose but that sounded p casual for him

    • @coyotecodey1160
      @coyotecodey1160 3 года назад

      @@MacktasticSlick_ that’s how RUclips works. It’s great

    • @eddykerb8624
      @eddykerb8624 3 года назад +2

      Theo said " he was like 9 years older" i don't think he was talking about a lady 😶

  • @austinsmith2808
    @austinsmith2808 3 года назад +3

    Favorite two comedians alive!

  • @Alex-sd6mc
    @Alex-sd6mc Год назад

    Props to the editor. Some of the cuts like, "do you like thin crust?".."i dont think i could take a nap with my mom" lmao

  • @PrimeTimeBash
    @PrimeTimeBash 2 года назад +5

    “I know it’s probably a decent number. It’s probably something Brendan Schaub couldn’t count to” bro💀💀💀💀

  • @fungusrumpus
    @fungusrumpus 3 года назад +6

    Best ending clip ever. Well done.

  • @brianramirez8255
    @brianramirez8255 2 года назад +3

    I love the Joe Rogan call out. Hes totally like that and its hilarious!

  • @sweepdreams
    @sweepdreams 3 года назад +17

    I love how theo literally pictures the story as a movie in his head and tries to add his own brain script ex: she was about to say I'm gonna take a shower, theo cuts in and says she's gonna take a shit with a smile lol

  • @queenieqt2033
    @queenieqt2033 3 года назад +14

    I always sing your juice outro lol. Mad props to you for the videos. Ans keeping juice on my mind ♡

    • @hunterreside50
      @hunterreside50 3 года назад +1

      Currently in the comments looking for a full song link lol

    • @queenieqt2033
      @queenieqt2033 3 года назад

      @@hunterreside50 i gotchu famвидео.html

  • @ethanlane7496
    @ethanlane7496 2 года назад +4

    "The other day I herd him say carry the 40, I knew he was done after that" pure gold, shit had me dead

  • @everythingisawesome76
    @everythingisawesome76 2 года назад +1

    "We had this guy in our town...he's dead now." Everyone of Theo's stories.

  • @natalienapalm7510
    @natalienapalm7510 3 года назад +11

    I have such a crush on Theo 😂 he’s so freakin funny!

  • @garrettthompson558
    @garrettthompson558 2 года назад

    6:30 Theo doing his best Owen Wilson is 🔥🔥🔥

  • @TrickWallace
    @TrickWallace 3 года назад +38

    Only combo better than this is Theo with Bobby Lee

  • @connorrod6251
    @connorrod6251 2 года назад +1

    Carry the 40!?!? Howd he hold it together I almost choked 🤣

  • @davidec.4021
    @davidec.4021 3 года назад +8

    Ending with the bomb!

  • @jordancouto9445
    @jordancouto9445 11 месяцев назад

    11:15 weirdest cut ever lol from thin crust pizza… to sleeping beside you’re mom ? Lmfaoo 😂

  • @theodoroskalopedis
    @theodoroskalopedis 3 года назад +8

    The other day i heard him say ‘carry the 40’ 😂😂😂😂😂😂👍

  • @DirtCobaine
    @DirtCobaine 2 года назад +3

    Tom Seguras spanish is extremely well I’m impressed! he has a very good accent

  • @offthegridliving3339
    @offthegridliving3339 3 года назад +5

    The part about Brendon using play school math tool …..the best.

  • @sleepymeimei
    @sleepymeimei Год назад

    These two are the cutest. I want more. Forever

  • @Dgen99
    @Dgen99 Год назад +1

    man for 40 Theo looks great.

  • @eddiekeeble
    @eddiekeeble 3 года назад +1

    “One day i heard him say “carry the 40!” Like he’s doneee!”

  • @wayofthewonderer
    @wayofthewonderer 3 года назад +11

    Big shout out, 21 days in a row. Hope you are seeing a bump

  • @Revok7272
    @Revok7272 3 года назад +5

    It got weird towards the end in Court LMAO

  • @dougieefresh1829
    @dougieefresh1829 3 года назад +11

    I don’t think Tom understood most of Theo’s analogies but I respect he was able to atleast let Theo go. When Burr and Theo got together of course Bill was just relentlessly unwilling to play along with Theos almost childlike humor 😂 All of these guys are the absolute best in their own unique ways lmao!!

    • @thewickedzaku
      @thewickedzaku 3 года назад +3

      Tom and Christina are fascinated with the insane and the crazy.

    • @dougieefresh1829
      @dougieefresh1829 3 года назад +1

      @@thewickedzaku so was Howard stern. Remember the “wack pack”? Ppl are fascinated with ppl that are vastly different and living much different lifes. It’s interesting.

    • @dougieefresh1829
      @dougieefresh1829 3 года назад +1

      @@thewickedzaku that’s why freak shows were successful

  • @cassidyerickson7408
    @cassidyerickson7408 2 года назад

    Dude the bill belichick with a wig absolutely killed me😂😂😂😂

  • @user-mw7ll9lb5v
    @user-mw7ll9lb5v 3 года назад +4

    Damn let's go this is only pt1 of them

  • @cithvalentine1790
    @cithvalentine1790 3 года назад +2

    This is comedy gold from start to finish

  • @XxJ2D2xX
    @XxJ2D2xX Год назад

    9:25 beating on the TV 😂😂😂 took me a min

  • @wyattgoodale2403
    @wyattgoodale2403 3 года назад +2

    JOKEWRLD is a saint

  • @shawnthompson
    @shawnthompson 3 года назад +14

    "What's the deal with airplane peanuts?"

  • @John-mf1sz
    @John-mf1sz Год назад

    Theo Von making a Flowers for Algernon joke 😂
    Jesus Christ, what a reference.

  • @smileybyronbay
    @smileybyronbay Год назад

    I like rhis conversation, its two comedians forcing themselves not to ruin their careers by forcing themselves to like each other amd in the end they actually win amd like each other. This is an example of a great conversation.

  • @Ninososmoove
    @Ninososmoove 2 года назад

    Ayyyoooo “Carry the 40” 😂😭😂

  • @Steve_Dave
    @Steve_Dave 2 года назад +1

    Tom: "do you like thin crust pizza?"
    Theo:"I wouldn't wanna sleep in the same bed as my mom"

  • @MrStuntmanmike417
    @MrStuntmanmike417 3 года назад +4

    Damn 25k subs. Well done 👏

  • @chadneuendorf9431
    @chadneuendorf9431 Год назад

    The wall of comedians in Simpsons form is hilarious!!! Joe Rogan with the Onnit shirt lmfao !!!

  • @michaelrhodes6730
    @michaelrhodes6730 Год назад

    Theo is the best I've ever seen at making up weird genius analogies on the spot. He can turn a phrase better than anyone I've ever heard

  • @theclorax5446
    @theclorax5446 2 года назад +1

    5:12 It got kind of weird in court 😂