If the person does not come back, then the work gets put into finding someone of the same caliber, which would be very hard to do, as this person is one of the reasons why we all love Ecchi Sensei so much. They put their all into helping Bluecat make this game what it is today, but that day isn't here yet, illness takes time to not only defeat but recover strength from in the aftermath. Do not be discouraged, things will come back in time, we will make it through this.
As for PR, it is a very recent thing, as typically I'd let fuckers be fuckers. However, I actually really like Bluecat and it hurts him to have pirates insult his work ethic and his commitment to the project he loving crafted. He can handle you insulting it from a creative or quality standpoint, that's your right. But fuck off if you think he doesn't work hard, or is out of ideas, or is simply milking us for cash. You can hate the game, but the creator loves to make it, and is pissy that he's stuck and can't do more until the Merge is done and he can build off it.
I'm here because Bluecat welcomed me in with everyone else on discord and became a friend, and I back my friends the fuck up when someone is fucking with them. if you do not like how the project is being run, you are perfectly free not to indulge, you pay nothing so nothing is given to you, have fun.
For those who actually care/pay/are being patient? From the dev team to you, they are sorry that this has been such a nightmarish circumstance, and hope to make up in the coming updates. Until then, please sit tight, take a breath, stay calm, and fuck the students!
I do believe I will take our minds off this discussion with a nice little poll:
If you could give Matsu any three powers, what would they be and why? Would you give these powers to any of the other characters for Matsu to share his gifts? Or would you rather hoard them to make Matsu ever more powerful as a proper Ecchi Sensei?
I look forward to your answers, but for now I am fucking wasted ass tired, good night and I hope this helps you guys settle down. Much love, Skummy out!