User Box List
IEEE | This user is a member of the IEEE. |
 | This user is a fan of Dune. |
This user has met at least one of the twelve men who have walked on the Moon.
I recently graduated from Stanford University with a Master's degree in electrical engineering. I have a B.S. in electrical engineering from NC State University.
I am interested in and have researched early American spaceflight, US Army in World War II: European Theater, the Founding Fathers of America and their thoughts on the separation of church and state, the Scientific Revolution from Copernicus to modern physics, the debate between teaching evolution and intelligent design in public science classrooms, US politics, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Lebanese Civil War and its relations with neighbors, studying abroad in Sweden, Science Olympiad, amateur filmmaking (digital), and photography.
I consider myself particularly knowledgeable on the novel Dune by Frank Herbert, Copenhagen by Michael Frayn, and early American spaceflight.