There are other ways that can be more fun and more productive!
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Drafting a sloper is a very useful skill and I enjoy doing it, BUT it is NOT the only way to learn patternmaking and, in fact, I don't agree it is the best way to start learning how to make patterns and designs that not only are your unique ideas, but also that fit. This is the method in which I teach and a lot of my students find it very helpful. I want you to start learning this super power to take your sewing to the next level AND have fun along the way!
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😀 Hallelujah!
I have been trying to learn pattern-making for over a decade now, and it's been so intimidating. I've had no access to anyone who could teach it. Instead, when I reached out, they'd refer me to the pre-made patterns, and they didn't fit at all, and I didn't know how to fit them. I am completely RUclips-taught at the sewing machine, so I need something like this to build confidence. I'm seriously considering purchasing your male sloper set.
If I could make a benevolent request, I would ask for some male-body centered content (especially for tailored garments). While there is far more available than five years ago, there is a vast black hole of quality content for men to learn how to draft and sew their own clothing. I think it could 'really' drive viewership for your channel.
Thank you for demystifying this process, and I wish you great success!
Thank you! I am so glad that you are encouraged! Keep going! I have a video on how to fit a suit that you might find helpful. I share about male-body centered things when I have an opportunity to. Not having that body type or access to one makes it harder for me to share more. I try to share when I do work for my male clients, if I am allowed. You might be interested in following @norrisdantaford or @corneliusquiring who both share a lot about male sewing and patternmaking. If you were in my membership I could guide you and answer specific questions you had about male patterns and sewing, and you would get all my male slopers for FREE! But I will take your suggestion to heart and see what might be helpful. Thanks for watching! 💚
@@creativecostumeacademy I will be following everything you just suggested. You are a fantastic creator. Thank you.
@@AH-lw2ei Yay! So glad this can help! 💚
This is such a great video, so informative and I LOVE the captions at the bottom!! 10/10 I wish more RUclipsrs did that!! Made it so easy to understand!
Wow! Thank you so much for this lovely comment! It really made my day! 💚
Thank you so much! LOVE how you do your captions and THANK YOU for making the bootcamp free!! I'm still new to sewing and I know I want to learn but don't know if I want to commit family resources to a class! Thank you!
This is why I am happy to offer the bootcamp for free so you can try it out and learn a few things even if you can't commit to the membership. It's gonna be a blast!! 💚
I have my sloper, thanks to Tricia, and I am working on applying what I have learned since taking her FITabulous FIT Bootcamp. I am now making my future daughter-in-law's sloper, and I am making her and myself dresses for a big occasion in a couple of months. Applying what you learn about fitting is so important! This is definitely a skill worth learning. It does require practice. "Oh no! I have to aquire fabric and sew?" I can think of worse ways to spend my time. Thanks Tricia!! ❤
Awww!! Yes!! I am so happy you are feeling the confidence and empowerment of your new power!! Can’t wait to see what you do with it! 🙌💚
I seems to me as an amateur hobbyist that a good fitting wearable pattern is more important than a sloper.
I want to learn to make my own patterns for personal use. I am starting by using a commercial pattern and adjusting the fit until it works with my body type.
My next step will be drafting a pattern and using my adjusted pattern as a guide. I can make changes to reflect my personal style.
I also have the Lutterloh System to play with. It has a lot of pattern ideas that can be adjusted. I like a lot of the patterns they offer. I know that their patterns need adjustments. Not only that, it is in centimeters. I can use a ruler to figure out metric measurements.
I learn by doing. I think using multiple methods will help me find what works for me.
You are correct. A good fitting wearable pattern is the most beneficial thing and THAT can be your sloper. You will probably be interested in the free fitting bootcamp I have coming up very soon. I love the Lutterloh system too, but you need to be careful with walking your seams and the size ratios sometimes. I agree! It's good to know about a lot of different methods so you can pick the path that works the best for you! 💚
I agree I am a pattern maker for 30 years, I love to draft, but in my day to day life making clothing I pattern hack, and drape,
Thank you for the validation! 💚
first 9 minutes is explaining what Slopers/Blocks are.