In Defense of Sailing: Runescape's Newest Skill

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Sailing has been a hot topic since it passed the poll, and now that the Alpha has launched many a player has shared their thoughts on its current implementation into Oldschool Runescape. Some criticisms are great, others not so much, so today we'll be diving into the shark infested waters of OSRS public discourse.
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Комментарии • 318

  • @TheoryWiseOS
    @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +14

    Thanks for watching!
    A couple amendments:
    I've seen my defined "Support" skill label be referred to as a "Utility' skill instead. I'm unsure what is the standard at Jagex, but the definitions are still the same. Whether you want to call them "Support" or "Utility" skills, I left out Construction and Firemaking in this breakdown. This was an oversight on my part, but the definition I gave and how I applied it still makes sense.
    When I say a skill has "minimal" use, such as in Thieving, that isn't to say it has no use. I recognize that there are methods of thieving for clues and in some cases, decent money making opportunities (for Ironmen). With that said, it is certainly one of the least impactful skills in the game (Firemaking being leader in that regard).
    While I wish that certain skills would, eventually, see reworks to bring relevance to them in entirety, the band aid fix of solid minigames/activities (such as Stealing Valuables in Varlamore) are definitely welcome. I recognize that fully reworking a skill would be akin to creating a new one, and seeing as Sailing is contentious to say the least, I doubt a large enough portion of players would be excited about changing something antiquated or outdated in this case.
    The entire paragraph around 20:10 - 20:40 is written so, so poorly. I think I use the word "Minigame" like eight times. One of the pitfalls of scripting/editing about a relevant topic.

    • @michael_betts
      @michael_betts 3 дня назад +2

      The "Utility skill" moniker comes straight from Jagex. In the early stages of new skill polling (Adding A New Skill: Community Consultation blog from January 2023 as an example.) they separated skills into combat, production, gathering, and utility.

    • @Infernopupp
      @Infernopupp 3 дня назад

      you talk about osrs like you want to see a ton of change, simply put I don't. i don't want skills reworked or mini games to make them better i dont want change for change sake. the boring 300 hour grind is fine. I just want to see the game continue to survive... which doesnt require new and shiny. if all they did was add quality of life id be happier.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +1

      @@Infernopupp MMOs don't just survive, from my experience, they either grow or shrink. And considering OSRS started growing when new content began to be added (and innovative, never-before-seen systems like Raids were added), I'd support Jagex's vision to see the game grow in the future as well.

    • @Infernopupp
      @Infernopupp 3 дня назад

      @@TheoryWiseOS none of those are game changing systems or innovative at all, raids are from other mmos and dont have to be embraced by all you can litertally do anything in the game and never raid and it wont hurt your account and you wont miss anything from them.... jagex vision was eoc, the players vision was osrs... you are making a video saying support a game that is a strait contradiction to what jagex wanted.

    • @Vex-iy8zm
      @Vex-iy8zm 2 дня назад +4

      ​@@InfernopuppI would agree with this very common argument if RuneLite was banned. It seems old players pick and choose what constitutes innovation and what doesn't.

  • @TheLazyPeon
    @TheLazyPeon 3 дня назад +67

    Great video as usual, I wasn't too excited for sailing initially but I've changed my mind on it since the Alpha, If they're gonna expand the game and keep it going for another 20 years I can't think of a better vehicle for rewards and new content than sailing.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +10

      Thanks for your support! I agree, I think if Jagex has longterm goals for OSRS, then they can't feel restricted in expanding it. The most successful post-2013 releases have all been innovations on the Oldschool Runescape formula -- New Continents, Skilling bosses, and of course, Raids -- things that had never been seen before.

    • @glenn6284
      @glenn6284 2 дня назад +1

      This is the best comment for sailing.

    • @e.t.5456
      @e.t.5456 2 дня назад +2

      fr i wanna be a osrs pirate!

    • @OneTwoMark
      @OneTwoMark 2 дня назад

      Video on sailing?

  • @thatwackycardgame5655
    @thatwackycardgame5655 3 дня назад +106

    The fact that Sailing will expand the map to an almost endless degree, and provide space for new content, should be enough to allow it to exist itself

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +5

      Honestly, so true.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 3 дня назад +11

      We don't need a new skill to add more locations to the map.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +22

      @@JohnFromAccounting We didn't need Slayer to add more enemies, either. Game development isn't an action of necessity, but of flavor. At least in my eyes.
      There is something so, so much more flavorful about sailing than just plopping a bunch of islands on the map with arbitrary loading screens separating them from an NPC in port sarim.

    • @SmurphFe
      @SmurphFe 2 дня назад +2

      They can just expand the map without it like they’re already been doing ie varlamore kourend etc

    • @Zehiret
      @Zehiret 2 дня назад +8

      The tick system is bad? Are you serious? That's the core of the game and the best part ​@Artoxia

  • @heboxjonge
    @heboxjonge 3 дня назад +58

    this might be one of the best videos ive listened to when it comes to describing skills and their relation to each other. very well spoken man, more ppl need to hear this.
    while i dont agree with how jagex has been treating skilling over the years by ONLY adding minigames that force players into one (often instanced area) and making it the new way to train that skill and tainting the skills relationship to other skills and not focusing on rebalancing or going back to the core of what skilling means (pvm droptable are also to blame for this). I do think sailing so far has been really well put together, theres some issues with it but im sure those will be fixed in the full version. but again great vid!

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +3

      Appreciate the support, glad you enjoyed the video!
      I tend to agree that Minigames aren't always the best solution, since they may remove the interconnected elements of skills in favor of more engaging training methods. That said, I rather have GOTR than not, at least in the current landscape of Runecraft as a skill. I would like to see more foundational changes to skills rather than just adding a new thing on top of them (like said Minigames) to try and lift them up from obscurity. But I understand why Jagex is cautious here because I think there is a vocal sect of players directly opposed to changing anything that is older than 2007.

    • @jamesn3122
      @jamesn3122 3 дня назад +3

      Forestry isnt a mini game, bonfires arent a mini game, the new mining methods arent minigames, hunter rumors are not a mini game, the new fletching method isnt a mini game, new prayer method isnt a mini game. Yes they've added minigames, but they've added TONS of skilling iterations aside from minigames. Stealing from houses as well, forgot that one

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 3 дня назад

      I am doubtful that they will fix the fundamental problems with courier missions and salvage. I can see them sidestepping these problems by adding multiskilling methods, like sailing and fishing.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +1

      @ I'm not sure what fundamental problems you're referring to, both ports tasks and salvaging worked fine from my testing?

    • @kylbarry4466
      @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

      Port tasks have the reward space to man them smoother too like a crane to offload unload from boat, crew member to claim/request missions from boat instead etc.

  • @ThaddeusWright
    @ThaddeusWright 3 дня назад +43

    Very nice to see a positive video about sailing. Too many people scared of change

    • @StNicolausVI
      @StNicolausVI 2 дня назад +1

      I think people get scared of too much cumulative change, and they see an established pattern of change, wondering where the straw that breaks the camel’s back will be. They are also very keen on the core principles of the game and where we deviate. I’m okay with some growth of course. But I think most people don’t want to lose their max capes. And they dread another grind. I can’t argue that it isn’t an irl skill, or that it doesn’t fit. It very much fits.

    • @ni990okjyh
      @ni990okjyh День назад

      @@StNicolausVI pretty much everyone i see crying about new stuff added is people who just rushed to max as fast as possible and never want to lose their max cape lmfao. If you really "dread another grind" then this game isn't for you and the people who actually indulge will be worthy of the max cape. Crazy to think people don't want huge world expansions a new travel method new customizable hub like a poh, underwater areas, so many possibilities all because they'll lose their cape they didn't even enjoy getting to begin with bahaha

  • @UnableToFindName
    @UnableToFindName 3 дня назад +11

    Great video. We really need more OSRS content with some level-headed analysis. This video really shows you have a grasp on some core aspects of the game, like defending boredom as being part of the game that provides satisfaction when it's overcome, or just the game's Skill philosophy in general.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +4

      Appreciate the support. My goal with some of these Runescape essays is to bring a level of analysis into a game that really deserves it. OSRS is a unique, complex game that can really go underappreciated. I'm glad I can do it justice in your eyes!

  • @frankguy6843
    @frankguy6843 2 дня назад +5

    Don't listen to the curmudgeons who are scared of any change in the game, this is an extremely logical addition to the game, utilizing dead space already on the map to add a TON of content to the game and just about endless possibilities going forward.
    Very excited to dig into it upon the full release

  • @iterative_entropy
    @iterative_entropy 2 дня назад +5

    The movement mechanics are better than I expected, the UI could use some simplification, the possibilities for expanding the game are my favorite part. The exploratory aspect of it just feels awesome, finding shipwrecks, islands, fish, npcs, new resources. Can’t wait for it to come out.

    • @aarcdlrv
      @aarcdlrv 2 дня назад

      When does it come out?

    • @iterative_entropy
      @iterative_entropy 2 дня назад

      @ according to the team it will be toward the end of 2025

  • @gorethrax8348
    @gorethrax8348 День назад +2

    I like the comparison to all the skills with the idea that things get boring etc. however I think a point missing is while sailing is getting several ways to grind it and has a system to upgrade within the tasks of the skill, i think there is a sentiment of why not add or update other skills instead of adding a new one that has what others will lack even more.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  День назад

      I think this community would be against overhauls of existing skills even more so than new skills entirely.

  • @runeritari3
    @runeritari3 3 дня назад +6

    To be fair i expect low level be boring and slow but i expect higher levels be way more fun and faster

    • @freshairkaboom8171
      @freshairkaboom8171 2 дня назад +1

      The barracuda trials are about to go hard on those higher levels.

  • @AzureErrant
    @AzureErrant 3 дня назад +18

    You nailed the feeling I had about the 'hater' comments for this skill, the duality of saying it's a mini-game or whatever when most of the tedious skills in the game are now minigames and such. It's amazing how people can't see that.

    • @MrStealYoBeef
      @MrStealYoBeef 2 дня назад +2

      I'm most frustrated that people say that and completely consider it a bad and unacceptable thing. Like, have they been playing this game for the last decade? We've fundamentally shifted more towards minigame and minigame-lite gameplay loops because they're more actively engaging and fun to do. Mastering mixology and the upcoming fletching activity are essentially minigames designed to get us to stop bankstanding and actually play the game and we want that, but oh no, not sailing despite the fact that it offers a range of activities from AFKish salvaging to medium attention port deliveries to active minigame-like barracuda trials.
      What game have these people been playing, because I get the impression that it's not the one we play.

    • @kylbarry4466
      @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

      You speaking facts

    • @Japie__
      @Japie__ 2 дня назад

      They hate those skills too probably, aswell as all gathering/artisan skills. I wonder how many of those players are ironman or just want to skip over that of part of Runescape. Which is completely fair, but I think it's best to ignore the skill in their case. They want it to be a minigame to just not prolong the game out of their pvm/pvp gameplay loop. I don't agree with that at all but it's that simple.

  • @jjw6961
    @jjw6961 2 дня назад +9

    1:55 Firemaking is a skill. That's the only defense ya need. People would've nut had sailing been the next skill after construction back in the day. So long as 1-99 is faster than average or just not an absolute slog, it'll be fine. Maxing in osrs is exponentially more time consuming than rs3 and I think that will be the primary influence of peoples' ultimate opinions of Sailing- however jagex answers the questions "how long until I get my max cape back and how frustrating/rewarding will the journey be?" will shape a lot of player sentiment regardless of account progression. I think you nailed it here 12:30

    • @CatNibbles
      @CatNibbles 2 дня назад

      I feel foe the people who have maxed, as someone who's closing in on maxing their iron. But realistically people with max capes will max this skill because they did it for rcing and agility and mining ect. A lot if these people complaining, while making the argument that "I don't want to lose my max cape" or "it makes it harder to max" will likely never max in the first place.

    • @Whoopgnash1
      @Whoopgnash1 День назад

      It was never repolled, while they said they would repoll it if it was close, and it was close. That's where i have a problem with it

  • @whatwastaken
    @whatwastaken 3 дня назад +8

    Good video, very nuanced and well thought out as usual.
    i was never terribly excited for sailing myself and after testing it I'm still not exactly crazy about it, but I think it could be fun and deserves its place in the game. It really seems to me like the place the criticism is coming from is one of paranoid conservatism, a belief that every new thing introduced to the game could potentially be OSRS's EoC. An emotional response, not a rational one. Why be so critical of sailing, why call it a 'minigame' when half the skills in the game are associated with a minigame?
    What I hear from people when they say this kind of thing is that they want the game to be its 2007 backup forever and never get anything new outside of new monsters for slayer.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +4

      I get that, I think it's hard to be particularly excited to 'skill' in Runescape in the same way I'd be excited about fighting bosses in a new Raid. There's nothing intrinsically engaging about 200 hours of repetitive clicking. That said, what excites me about Sailing is how unique it is in the scope of the kind of content it opens up AND, if Jagex cooks well, how fun the progression of upgrading your boat to be more efficient could be. In some ways, it's like if Slayer and Agility were actually fleshed out and interesting as skills or how Construction's progression works -- allowing you to customize your home and create all kinds of really convenient and awesome QoL adjustments that makes traversing the world easier.

  • @johnfillip1182
    @johnfillip1182 День назад +1

    I absolutely love this video. The discourse around sailing is filled to the brim with bad faith arguments and people who pretend that their stubbornness is somehow warranted. The thing I love about this video is how you present your arguments without being condescending or belittling, just honesty and punctuation. It helps that your arguments are also really good.
    I've been wanting to make my own similar video on why sailing SHOULD be added, because I feel that the community has become too jaded. there are some people who for some reason just don't want sailing but they don't really seem to have a reason why. I'm glad that you take their points in good faith, because it really helps bridge this strange divide for sailing so that it will hopefully get added. I'm extremely hopeful for its future.
    But all in all, good video. you've done it better than I ever could.

    • @abrax.98
      @abrax.98 День назад

      How is their bad faith arguments? 😂😂😂😂
      It’s just a shitty idea imo.

  • @NexGenHiphop20
    @NexGenHiphop20 3 дня назад +9

    I've really enjoyed the sailing Alpha. I think it's a great fit for osrs and I'm excited to see what else the devs cook up

  • @Chealder
    @Chealder 2 дня назад +6

    I personally find this far more a skill than bankstanding to train herblore or fletching. I'm looking forward to sailing and I'll definitely buy my membership again to train it.

  • @pabloc4204
    @pabloc4204 2 дня назад

    honestly, all i need to accept this skill in this game was the fact that the Idea and theme just fits so well

  • @Isaac-ul8yz
    @Isaac-ul8yz 3 дня назад +18

    Sailing training is boring but like you said that's the "friction" how the river ebbs and flows. The potential rewards and dopamine hits with unlocks could be massive. I'm 96 slayer and it's taken me forever. I've barely done any bossing or raids. But the rewards for "easy money making bosses" is huge. But it could be better. I think sailing has a chance to fix the reward system immensely while being a support to so.msny other older skills. Ive been playing RS since 07 on and off. Sailing feels soo good! Im glad you put this video out

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 3 дня назад

      Sailing training is not just boring, but fatiguing. There is no flow state.

    • @kylbarry4466
      @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

      Tbh brl there's going to be so many improvememts to the flow and new training methods just sit tight, let em cook and you'll likely feel different come release!

  • @milklesstea6091
    @milklesstea6091 15 часов назад

    The best thing about sailing is reading the tears of grown adults that will fill our oceans

  • @ignorance112
    @ignorance112 2 дня назад +1

    Yes! I agree with most of the points in this video, good to hear you putting this out there! The only big difference (which is probably vibes based) is that to me Sailing does not feel like a minigame in the alpha, it does actually feel like a newer skill, like a "skill+" since to me it's not quite the same as normal RC nor the same as GOTR, but like and in between, same for normal fishing and Temp, same for Sepulchre and rooftops, same WT and FM, it feels like a nice in between spot when comparing to all of these examples. I think this is because for all these other pairs its either one or the other no middle ground, you can either do lines at the GE or go WT, you do normal altar-based running back and forth RC or you can do GOTR, but for sailing there are middle grounds built in already as well and there is also a lot more freedom in how you can execute the "minigame-like" aspects of the skill, for example WT has both a "points meta" and a "XP meta", and while Sailing will probably develop a meta as well it does feel like its a lot more "at your own pace" if you want it to be, kind of like Slayer where there is ofc a meta to blocklists and such (especially if hunting for the heart), but you are also not overly punished or missing out on much if you just do things "at your own pace" or "in your own way" when it comes to blocklists, skips, where to do tasks etc. So I think in the end once Sailing does develop a meta it will be a lot more akin to Slayer than to GOTR, WT, TEMP etc.

  • @chapdustman2424
    @chapdustman2424 День назад

    Excellently put! I'm very excited for sailing and can't wait to see everything that comes along with it. As a side note, im not sure if the gameplay is yours or not, but what is the texture pack used @ 3:55. I like it quite a bit and was wondering if it's something available on runelite.

  • @J3dotgg
    @J3dotgg 2 дня назад +5

    The most exciting thing about sailing for me is the entirely new paradigm it would introduce to combat encounters. I'm imagining an encounter where you encircle a boss on boats, having a sailing guy steer / dodge mechanics and people with ranged attack styles riding along to damage the boss. That's just one idea out if many possibilities.

  • @grumpyrock
    @grumpyrock 2 дня назад +1

    Great video with great points. I’ve been open to a new skill but at the same time been struggling with the purpose. This hits on a lot of points that makes it make a lot more sense to me.

  • @bradymiller8128
    @bradymiller8128 2 дня назад +1

    Goat! You deserve "Best New OSRS Video Creator" at the next Runefest!

  • @PsychicSploob
    @PsychicSploob 2 дня назад

    Great analysis! I appreciate someone laying out the logic and a good understanding of the usual osrs gameplay loop

  • @YellowYeti21
    @YellowYeti21 2 дня назад +7

    I just want summoning reworked and brought back

    • @ErikaCartet
      @ErikaCartet 2 дня назад

      i’d be interested in that too. i didn’t make the jump from f2p to members until after it was released way back when, so to me it was just a part of the game like any other skill. it was strange coming back to osrs and vaguely remembering “hey, wasn’t that a skill? why do i recall this being a thing?” but not seeing it and then realizing it was released january 2008 and so it only exists as a part of rs3 now

  • @originalsade7243
    @originalsade7243 3 дня назад +6

    I never really understood why people have an issue with it being comparable to Dungeoneering/a minigame. The training methods of dungeoneering were confined to a procedurally generated instanced area accessed via a single chunk in the game.
    Sailing utilizes vast areas of the existing map while adding new areas to make it more fleshed out. It does what dungeoneering SHOULD HAVE done in expanding the world and how you interact with it if thats the comparison you want to make. I will 100% be voting yes on sailing based on the alpha.

  • @CarterParry
    @CarterParry 2 дня назад +2

    I just wish there was an actual changing wind direction so we would need to tack if going upwind, and feel really fast if we were right in the pocket. Not just wind around you in all directions

    • @essay8634
      @essay8634 2 дня назад +4

      I would be down for this as a trait of certain seas/around certain islands

    • @Ichigoeki
      @Ichigoeki 2 дня назад +1

      @@essay8634 Yeah, would definitely fit the theme around Fremennik isles/Wildy seas

  • @zelden666
    @zelden666 3 дня назад +4

    People will say Slayer is their favourite skill, even though the only reason to train it at the start of OSRS was to get access to a Whip or Dark Bow. No Slayer points or rewards, no slayer bosses. Literally hundreds of hours of go here, kill this.

    • @ShanaynayLaQueefin
      @ShanaynayLaQueefin 3 дня назад

      Slayer is the worst skill possible.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 3 дня назад

      Slayer is one of the worst skills in the game. Horrific xp rates, and all it does it gatekeep content.

    • @Rock_Appreciator
      @Rock_Appreciator 2 дня назад

      @@JohnFromAccounting Slayer was the skill that made me question my life, and why I play this game. 😆 Currently 96 slayer and honestly, I kind of regret it, but not as much as I'll regret getting 99 construction someday.

  • @MythrilZenith
    @MythrilZenith 2 дня назад +3

    Thanks for breaking down the arguments against sailing in a top-down, detached manner (detached as in not trying to argue with enfranchised logic and instead examining all skills with the same lens). The comparison to Slayer especially landed for me, as I've never understood why so many people say it's the "Best skill in OSRS" when it's literally the most arbitrary and tacked-on skill whose only purpose is to arbitrarily time-gate certain fights and loot drops.
    I'm looking forward to Sailing. I might not do it a lot, but I might find myself doing it for hours a day. This is to say, it's going to be a new skill. It's a skill designed with modern sensibilities, sure, but it's trying its best to fit into the older design mindset that OSRS thrives on.
    The only arguments against Sailing that even really make sense belong to the SUPER NICHE of players who are already so enfranchised into the game that they'll play it regardless - area/chunk locked accounts. But even then, you're already making a game within a game, things shouldn't be catered to such a small niche at the expense of everyone else.
    I appreciate that they are trying to make Sailing so that it's in-line power-wise with other skills - that being, Sailing can give benefits to other skills, but it won't be required to do those other skills, and even if it unlocks BiS methods those methods are unlikely to be so significantly better that the skill is deemed "mandatory."
    Some people will quit the game over Sailing. That was always going to happen, as every update has the potential to be the last straw for someone. There's nothing anyone can say that will convince people in that mindset to change. But I'm glad that the overall community discussion amongst the more level-headed, less-doomsaying people, is that while it may or may not be their skill of choice or their new favorite, they can appreciate the design and the content loop and understand that the possibility space for sailing is going to be very large for all aspects of the game.
    And if I were to make an argument against people saying "Oh now I need to grind dozens of hours of a skill I hate just to do the content I like" - that's kind of what you sign up for in OSRS, right?

  • @feldamar2
    @feldamar2 2 дня назад +3

    OSRS you play an adventurer. Not a world guardian. But a dude out to see the horizon, get loot and applause, and occasionally their bleeding heart forces you to help a dude.
    This fits into sailing PERFECTLY. What crack adventure novel doesn't have a travel adventure? Survive the blizzard!(Trollheim ice place and entrance to God war's)
    Hike through a desert!(The water mechanic in the desert regions)
    Navigate through a storm at sea!
    That's missing until now!
    It doesn't even matter how much there is now. It opens up a literal ocean of content to explore and map. It doesn't actually matter strictly how bad it is now anymore than how bad prayer was back in 2002. It's needs to be implemented just to finish the genre!

  • @BlurriestSky
    @BlurriestSky 2 дня назад +3

    Sailing is awesome because it shows that the OSRS team have an interest in making skills actually interactive. The depth they have when introducing an actual minigame for sailing makes me very excited

  • @r0m988
    @r0m988 День назад

    Our thoughts are aligned, good sir.
    Great, honest and thorough essay on this, ever so divisive, topic.

  • @TheVideoViper
    @TheVideoViper 2 дня назад +2

    Saying sailing should be a minigame is like saying running should be a minigame

  • @gilgamesh795
    @gilgamesh795 3 дня назад +8

    I think people are ignoring just how VAST of a platform that sailing can provide to expand the game. I also love the ability to get back to what SHOULD BE a core part of an open sandbox game: Exploring! I have a pipe dream that sailing can become a skill that people simply enjoy engaging with, and don’t try to make it so efficient that the fun is killed

    • @BronanTheDestroyer
      @BronanTheDestroyer 3 дня назад +4

      Go play another game if you want this shit. It's not RuneScape.

    • @gilgamesh795
      @gilgamesh795 3 дня назад

      @ you have no clue what RuneScape is

    • @Infernopupp
      @Infernopupp 3 дня назад

      @@gilgamesh795 more of a clue then you, nothing about RuneScape is exploring.

    • @gilgamesh795
      @gilgamesh795 3 дня назад

      @ That is absolutely 1000% the core of the game that was created. We just know everything there is to know right now. You’re an idiot

    • @trevormcgady6012
      @trevormcgady6012 3 дня назад

      @@BronanTheDestroyer no thanks, i voted for sailing so now ill get sailing :)

  • @ethansandham3202
    @ethansandham3202 2 дня назад

    The alpha was great and the introduction of this skill will be an improvement to the game. So many cool quests and adventures to be had at sea

  • @pinkybrains1444
    @pinkybrains1444 День назад

    The only thing RuneScapers like more than playing RuneScape is complaining about RuneScape updates

  • @ragondo1
    @ragondo1 3 дня назад +5

    3:25 bro had to include me getting a 2nd dupe fang before halberd, restoring my past trauma. Thumbs down unsubbed

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +2

      LOL. I must've done this unconsciously.

  • @theoldrsftw
    @theoldrsftw 3 дня назад +7

    I hope they add eastern lands after adding sailing.

    • @kiwi3085
      @kiwi3085 3 дня назад +4

      I would love to finally see what the Eastern Lands look like! Possibly another Zeah sized continent with different cultures all throughout? That'd be amazing!!

    • @LegendPvM
      @LegendPvM 2 дня назад +1

      If you look at the new world map on the alpha, it looks like The Hook from the eastern islands is there.

  • @masnkorvface13
    @masnkorvface13 День назад

    this is actually a really good video, u bring up a lot of points that people never mention, VERY GOOD! will be sharing!

  • @ForTheWar
    @ForTheWar День назад

    A lot of people played the ALPHA and got disappointed for no reason. It is literally just a testing thing and they didn’t tease much etc. I feel like Sailing is going to be the next best fun skill next to Slayer. Ship combat, ship pvp combat, exploration, raids 4 in the ocean, etc. how about a new quest on a new island and the only way to get there and unlock a teleport is to actually sail there instead of going to your regular ports and travelling through a cut scene of a boat going across a drawn map? This is game breaking in a GOOD WAY and the people voting against sailing don’t realize this.

  • @magawengway
    @magawengway День назад

    Maybe I am out of the loop but from my experience and the experience of some friends and content creators, this sailing alpha has been a great showcase of the new skill! Nice video!

  • @pixivwall
    @pixivwall 55 минут назад

    I'm not sure where things stand as I haven't even looked into it yet but what I imagined this to be was like a pirate ship pvp wilderness / ocean slayer thing with gigantic ocean titans. I'm sure I'll be disappointed.

  • @ni990okjyh
    @ni990okjyh День назад

    sailing would weave perfectly in with the other skills. Theres already boats we take to islands all over the place, it would let us explore more, it would let the world get larger, so many opportunities. Now we get to potentially have our own boats to explore with and people are whining saying they dont want it? lmaooo what? you gotta be braindead to not want this.

  • @Tehblood
    @Tehblood 4 часа назад

    someone in another comments section mentioned it, and i think its probably a bigger problem than we would think. a lot of osrs players dont have fun playing this game anymore. for whatever reason, sunk cost, comfort, stubbornness, they just wont move on.
    i was confident that the team would put something good together, and after the alpha, they surpassed even my expectations. it felt like the old days when i was around for skill launches (slayer through farming). im very excited for launch to blast like 90 sailing straight away. and thats without even seeing the content that wasnt in the alpha yet.

  • @TheSavvySultan
    @TheSavvySultan День назад

    Sailing gonna slap, cant wait to explore the massive amount of oceans in game. Coming from TLOPO, what is gonna need ship customization and upgrades, ship to ship combat and boarding.

  • @arturvegis2571
    @arturvegis2571 3 дня назад +8

    Perfect video, bravo. Problem for me with sailing is that the movement is not something I like, everything else in the skill is perfectly fine. Cant wait for full release and to see how it will help me and my buddies with our fresh ironman group.

  • @Wesley-vb5wc
    @Wesley-vb5wc День назад

    People are just overlooking all the ways sailing can expand and improve

  • @SaltySvendo
    @SaltySvendo День назад

    Absolutely agree, great video and honestly a benefit to the community and game that you made it. Thank you

  • @TetraScapes
    @TetraScapes 2 дня назад +4

    I think a big part of why sailing feels disjointed and minigame-like for a lot of people could be because in the alpha, the rest of the world is literally blocked off and inaccessible 😅 it is an instanced experience

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  2 дня назад +1

      That's a good point!

    • @jeffreyresa8827
      @jeffreyresa8827 2 дня назад +1

      yeah i think it would be cool to be able to see other players and stuff while sailing

    • @gfyGoogle
      @gfyGoogle Час назад

      @@jeffreyresa8827 you literally can. That user is mistaken, Sailing is NOT instanced. Only time it is is when customizing your ship or doing Barracuda Trials.

  • @kylbarry4466
    @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

    Excellent analysis very well put together video i agree sailing is the skill of the 3 that is the least imposing while also having the highest ceiling and scope to make the game better!

  • @eemilkolu5598
    @eemilkolu5598 9 часов назад

    Firemaking and construction are not support skills, they are artisan.

  • @glenwade2298
    @glenwade2298 2 дня назад +4

    nice to see a positive and constructive take on sailing honestly this is refreshing after all the negativity

  • @Nonameron
    @Nonameron 2 дня назад +2

    I agree with most parts apart from minigames and much anticipate the launch of sailing. Sailing didn't feel like a minigame to me which is a good thing. I liked all aspects I tried and the new progression it brings.
    I absolutely hate minigames like gotr and tempoross and prefer actual skilling methods. However I was forced to get the rc set from gotr spanning 77 levels (a lot of xp from tears of the guthix though). Luckily I got the fish barrel quickly from tempoross so I didn't have to suffer it for too long.

    • @kylbarry4466
      @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

      You may not like those minigames but can you agree having the option to train the skills in different ways is nice and good for the game atleast?

  • @Japie__
    @Japie__ 2 дня назад

    Nice video. I think it's hard to please everyone and find the underlying reasons that motivates why certain players like or dislike a skill. Like you said, calling a skill boring can have multiple underlying reasons. I think most players only like a small portion (combat) of runescape anyway and see skilling as a necessity. Especially those who don't play an Iron. Trading and or buying bonds removes the need for gathering or artisan. For many the core gameplay loop is pvm/pve because it is the most active/engaging part of runescape. Others care more about the rewards and account progression than actually liking playing runescape. Any skill that isn't directly used in combat or as click intensive can be seen by a group of players as a new grind that just prolongs the mid game. Players will also be afraid to lose their max cape and learn new things. Players will be afraid Sailing is mandatory for account progression. There are players who love the bank standing skills, because the simplicity/grind/achievement matters much more to them than the engagement. I think sailing slots in nicely for players who want to explore. It's less dull than other skills, but I really hope they also keep it simple and not like hunter/farming where there are a lot of new items introduced to even train the skill. I don't want my inventory and bank cluttered with items TO sail.

  • @FatLion
    @FatLion День назад

    Runescaps had this one banger Pirate themed song and I'm sorry because of that Sailing objectively can't be bad

  • @SuperCrumpets
    @SuperCrumpets 2 дня назад +1

    my only problem is wind direction/speed not being a thing

    • @kylbarry4466
      @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

      Might be for bigger ships or in 'rougher waters' they could easily add this depth and complexity later on!

  • @ac979
    @ac979 День назад +2

    I appreciate your video but still have the same attitude. Either of the other two proposed skills would have been better than sailing. As it stands, even as an alpha, sailing sucks.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  День назад +1

      Wouldn't both other skills have drastically greater impacts to moment-to-moment gameplay, such as the power creep present from Shamanism, for example?

  • @Pidkai
    @Pidkai 2 дня назад

    I love how well you articulate your points

  • @Simon_Gray
    @Simon_Gray День назад

    They should bring out a poh location on one of the new islands that has a dock for your boat.

  • @jafarosrs
    @jafarosrs 2 дня назад

    A very well thought out and enjoyable talk.

  • @jcthebrogod8339
    @jcthebrogod8339 День назад

    Sailings cool, but I still can’t believe people chose that over shamanism.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  День назад

      I think this community is somewhat scared of power creep and Shamanism would have brought a boatload of power creep into the game.

  • @e.t.5456
    @e.t.5456 2 дня назад

    Alright I`m sold. I want sailing!

  • @InconspicuousStranger
    @InconspicuousStranger 3 дня назад +2

    With making this video, whether you actually like sailing or not, I’m so sick of everyone’s complaints about sailing when it’s literally in almost every aspect - nothing different of any other update to osrs that isn’t Old School

  • @Kmn483
    @Kmn483 День назад

    The biggest mistake Jagex could make is to have Sailing get boring at later levels.
    Right now the sailing early game is really fun. But if it's as slow to level as mining and doesn't offer new methods later on... a lot of players will resent it.
    Because Jagex will focus primarily on the early game at first and add late-game content in further patches, try not to listen to the haters of it in the months right after its release. Wait to see how Jagex builds off this starting point and see if they keep interesting content for it throughout the skill's later levels.

    • @abrax.98
      @abrax.98 День назад +1

      That’s what I foresee. If it’s not done right, this will become a dead skill fast.
      The mystique of sailing being rumored for years is what drove most of the hype around it.

  • @originalShea550
    @originalShea550 2 дня назад +4

    sailing is already goated. i just need them to expand the world map far more. i need 3x as much ocean as land

  • @Trade4Lewt
    @Trade4Lewt 2 дня назад

    Great video, one thing I want to add tho is that I somewhat understand the fear for sailing feeling like a minigame because we have had a on paper somewhat similar skill before in rs3 called dungeoneering and its now more than ever, 14 years later that the meaning of the skill being a minigame is the most felt because it feels insanely outdated now

    • @Kuraskvids
      @Kuraskvids 2 дня назад +1

      People saying that Sailing is a minigame is absolutely ridiculous to be honest. Dungeoneering felt like a minigame because there was literally 1 dungeon to train in. There's so much variety in sailing. If Sailing is a minigame, then so is construction lol.

    • @Trade4Lewt
      @Trade4Lewt 2 дня назад

      @Kuraskvids but it can feel like a minigame if it doesnt affect anything in the game and lives in its own out of place bubble is what I mean when I say I understand that sentiment but I do feel confident that the osrs team are way better at that then 2011 jagex

    • @Kuraskvids
      @Kuraskvids 2 дня назад +1

      Thats what I don't get though. Its not stuck its in a bubble because you are going literally through the whole world, getting new items, training methods for other skills, etc. I think port tasks and the speed challenges are kinda boring and fit that description, but theyre not the whole skill.

    • @Trade4Lewt
      @Trade4Lewt 2 дня назад

      @@Kuraskvids im not saying that its rational lmao but I "understand" the fear, I want it to be good but I fear the possibility that it wont

    • @Kuraskvids
      @Kuraskvids 2 дня назад +1

      @ I think it'll work as long as we get variety and good afk options. Feedbacks gonna be important.

  • @guintar6661
    @guintar6661 3 дня назад +8

    I've been excited for sailing...after the alpha it seems really cool. I'm looking forward to all the stuff they do with it. Seems like most people are hating on it just to be a hater

    • @SuperYtc1
      @SuperYtc1 3 дня назад +1

      Or because it sucks ass.

    • @JohnFromAccounting
      @JohnFromAccounting 3 дня назад

      This is a childish mindset. There are many valid reasons that have been presented why Sailing is not going to be good for the game. If you don't want to recognise this, you're immature.

  • @Weckmon
    @Weckmon 3 дня назад +2

    Looking forward to the launch of sailing and all the skill could offer down the line. Great analysis and explanation of skills and how they intertwine. Subbed!

  • @jmike2039
    @jmike2039 День назад

    I didn't get the gate, i enjoyed it more than clicking a fucking rock over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over bank and over and over and over and over and over and over

  • @Blueniter
    @Blueniter 2 дня назад

    This is so weird for me because of following
    RS3 - You send ships to do missions by fixing stuff at a shipyard as a minigame but transform it into a skill in OSRS
    RS3 - We got dungeoneering but we transform it into a minigame in OSRS called Gauntlet
    I don't mind or care about sailing to much I just hope it becomes something good

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  2 дня назад +1

      To my knowledge, Player owned Ports in RS3 is quite literally a UI driven management simulator. It has no gameplay outside of clicking UI objects to solve small puzzles. It is nothing like Sailing.

  • @Rock_Appreciator
    @Rock_Appreciator 2 дня назад +2

    I've been playing this game for 21 years. I don't get why some people are complaining so hard lol. They probably complain about RC and Agility while having 99 in them 😆
    Just don't go sailing, easy. Probably not going to unlock any BIS gear or anything, you can still do ToA with your buds, farm runs, minigames, etc... etc...
    Also, the whole "it should be a minigame" argument is so stupid. It's far to vast and detailed to be put into a short minigame. If it WAS a minigame, it'd kind of be shit, and honestly I don't even think I'd ever really play it lmao.
    I like the alpha. The new quests are good, the sailing is good, everything seems on the right track. Once it's fully fleshed out and plugin-compatible, it'll be awesome. I can't wait to explore the seas of OSRS in HD, and discover new islands, storylines and training methods. Seems solid so far. Honestly, it ALREADY is a lot better than some skills, particularly firemaking. That shit is borderline useless. Could seriously use some more utility outside lighting a lamp, questing and building shit. I'd trade construction for sailing any day. Sailing the seas is badass. spending my entire bank to click intensively build the same larder or table 10,000 times is total shit.

  • @isaactrongly6154
    @isaactrongly6154 3 дня назад +3

    flyknight music bangs

  • @R0ckybawlboa
    @R0ckybawlboa День назад

    Thanks for this video because I was afraid it would get boring :P but like you pointed out every skill is boring as it should be!

  • @benvictim
    @benvictim 2 дня назад +3

    When i played the sailing alpha... I told my friend i was welmed by it. It felt a bit clunky but all of osrs was clunky. It didn't blow me out of the water but fit in fairly well with other skills 1 to 30. With the exception that it offered me 4 ways to train at those levels.

  • @teajayyyy
    @teajayyyy 3 дня назад +1

    I really enjoyed sailing alpha! And the potential it has is insane and vast. And I was very very skeptical of it but I’ve happily eaten my humble pie.

  • @hem9483
    @hem9483 3 дня назад

    Would love to be able to give input, but I still haven't been able to prevent constant blackscreening and weird connection errors when trying to test out the sailing alpha. Sucks.

  • @RacoTaco
    @RacoTaco 3 дня назад +1

    This new skill has really shown just how whiney and obtuse the osrs can be. Its embarrassing

  • @VanBurenOfficial
    @VanBurenOfficial 3 дня назад +2

    As long as there are longships, equip-able crew mates, huge galleons, and booty, I'm willing to Maxx the skill and then relaxx out on the sea

  • @Graive17
    @Graive17 5 часов назад

    I can't wait for my mind to be changed (I have no idea what my opinion is)

  • @MyGamesterGaming
    @MyGamesterGaming День назад

    I’m hyped for sailing

  • @FerociousPancake888
    @FerociousPancake888 12 часов назад

    I welcome sailing. I would welcome shamanism too. Progression and change is good, though it must be done carefully. Screw the purists, they can go play 2004 scape if they want.

  • @RubberDuckyDude1
    @RubberDuckyDude1 3 дня назад +5

    Looks fun to me, can't wait to see the creativity alone that comes with sailing

  • @deitzwillman5331
    @deitzwillman5331 2 дня назад

    Sailing is fine, Im still not convinced that it needs to be a skill though. It would make a great addition to the game as an activity used to train other skills or fight bosses and such.

    • @kylbarry4466
      @kylbarry4466 2 дня назад

      It needs to be a skill or it would not get a fraction of the money and dev time put into it. What you see is only possible because its going to be osrs first new skill! Skills allow progressions and unlocks to fit in a balanced order. It also allows it to integrate with other requirement requiring content like quests and achievement diaries. Sailing has to be a skill to succeed.

    @NOT_EZ_NFL 2 дня назад

    Is there going to be some form of Piracy with Sailing? i feel like that needs to happen

  • @wrytte
    @wrytte 3 дня назад +3

    the thing i am most excited for is the new oppotunites to explore new areas. i think expanded areas can maybe even have new materials (trees, ores, etc) to fill some gaps in the skill guides, utilizing other skills while also sailing. i have high hopes for it, as long as jagex cooperate greed doesn't ruin the game first.

    • @Infernopupp
      @Infernopupp 3 дня назад

      all of the things you listed is jagex greed, this is eoc all over again.

    • @wrytte
      @wrytte 3 дня назад +1

      @Infernopupp eoc is evolution of combat.... Combat isn't changing?

    • @Infernopupp
      @Infernopupp 3 дня назад

      @ sailing is a massive change to the game that will have ripple effect into all areas. that is what eoc did sailing isnt just a skill you can max out and move on like the rest its a totally different concept being brought into an already great game. this concept isnt needed. and because it failled the poll twice before they lowered the % to pass it clearly not wanted.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +2

      @ Runescape had half a dozen skills added to it prior to 2007, and yet none of them had the level of change to the game that EOC did. I'm not sure if the EOC moniker applies to Sailing at all.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +2

      Agreed. I'm incredibly excited to see certain areas get filled in. I think we already have seen some kind of triple-headed gryphon slayer boss (monster?) being added as well as a new low-level blowpipe of some kind crafted from a new tree. Very exciting!

  • @jurgnobs1308
    @jurgnobs1308 2 дня назад

    I think the reason people complain about the minigame thing is the same as for why so many people love to say hallowed sepulchre is the best agility training ever yet it's empty in basically every world (or maybe 1 person per world doing it). a lot of players like more complex stuff IN THEORY but don't actually engage with it much in the actual game.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  2 дня назад +1

      I don't disagree, which is why it's nice to see Jagex adding a diversity of training options ranging from more complex/difficult to simple and straightforward.

    • @jurgnobs1308
      @jurgnobs1308 2 дня назад +1

      @@TheoryWiseOS yea. i just mean that a lot of osrs players don't actually know what they want

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  2 дня назад +1

      @ This seems very true, haha.

  • @freshairkaboom8171
    @freshairkaboom8171 2 дня назад +2

    Sailing will exist in the game for the same reason sailing exists in the real world. Exploration, trade and going on holiday..

  • @CaelenSawyers
    @CaelenSawyers 3 дня назад

    The only thing sailing ruins is how tf chunk locked accounts are gonna that's gonna be so rough for them...especially if they put the cape in port sarim or the pandemonium lmao

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +2

      True, but I think a lot of chunks will have very small if any pieces of content (empty or small skilling islands). Although the eventual Sailing-locked account will certainly be wild.

  • @Rodigo-v1n
    @Rodigo-v1n 3 дня назад +4

    I personally don't think sailing should be considered a skill. I'm happy with it to be included in the game, but it's should be an addition to existing skills without it needing to be its own skill. I see sailing as an expansion to the game, as much as a new continent being added.
    Realistically, you can have this same argument with slayer, and personally I do, there is no really reason gameplay wise as to why you can't attack slayer bosses or monsters, these could still exist locked behind a quest/a mini quest, or by trial an error and learning the creature mechanics.
    I think bring sailing in, but don't make it a skill, otherwise we should make gnome gliding and baloon transport skills.
    Edit: To comment on you response to the skill being boring. All skills are boring, but not all skills require 100% attention, without the AFK element to break up the constant attention is what brings it down more. I can focus and play wintertode and get more XP rates, or I can light my logs on a bonfire and the logs burn without me needing to attend to the character. I can play giants foundry, to earn smithing xp, or I can make dart tips at varrock Anvil.
    The problem with Sailing is as of yet, there isn't an ability to AFK the skill effectively to break up the constant gameplay loop, from what I tried you can afk with salvaging, though you then need to spend 30 seconds going back to port to bank. This doesn't fit the consistent AFK methods all other skills offer.

    • @SuperYtc1
      @SuperYtc1 3 дня назад +1

      Slayer DOES make sense though. You're honing your combat skills until you have the know-how to kill harder monsters. You're learning techniques and honing your skills to allow yourself to fight other monsters, for example, Banshees. A level 126 would fail at killing one because they haven't acquired their Slayer knowledge. They're dive straight in without earmuffs and die. Why? Because their character doesn't know how to kill that particular monster.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад +2

      I think Sailing fits the minigame paradigm a lot less than it does a skilling one. Not a single Minigame in the history of OSRS is as expansive and transformative as Sailing would be. It fits being a skill a lot better since, quite literall, you're learning how to sail which makes a lot more sense than a lot of skills in the game.
      Sailing does have AFK, as you said, Salvage. However, I think you may have misunderstood the way salvaging works (with all due respect). You don't go to bank every 30 seconds at a bank, you store the salvage in your boat which can store upwards of 400 pieces of salvage (and even more at later levels), making the skill very AFk in that sense (like shooting stars).

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад

      @@SuperYtc1 In that case, sailing makes even more sense, no?

    • @Rock_Appreciator
      @Rock_Appreciator 2 дня назад +1

      I don't think sailing is any less AFK than construction, perhaps even less intensive at times than herblore, fletching etc... Even firemaking had no AFK options until just recently.
      It's still in alpha anyway, I'd be shocked if there wasn't some semi-afk method that's the meta for lazy players like me haha.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  2 дня назад +2

      @@Rock_Appreciator Salvaging is about as AFK as woodcutting yews/Magic trees, no?

  • @charliewilliams4029
    @charliewilliams4029 3 дня назад +4

    People need to realise the skill may change and improve over the years

    • @djaken
      @djaken 3 дня назад +2

      The majority of players would rather see already existing skills change and improve rather than introducing another skill.

    • @benjaminr8229
      @benjaminr8229 3 дня назад

      @@djakenboth can happen

    • @sora8711
      @sora8711 3 дня назад

      Firemaking proves otherwise.

    • @charliewilliams4029
      @charliewilliams4029 2 дня назад

      @@djaken Every skill has already improved greatly since its first inception . There’s only so much jagex can do until you get a copy of RS3 where they made everything extremely afk and high xp rates

    • @charliewilliams4029
      @charliewilliams4029 2 дня назад

      @@djaken and no. Majority want a new skill. Sailing. The skill that was a meme and heavily rumoured back in 07. OSRS is 12 years old. 12 years and no new skill. They have changed all aspects of the game but kept the old school feel but yet to do a new skill. Up to 07 we were getting a new skill every year

  • @haraldsbaumanis
    @haraldsbaumanis 3 дня назад +2

    Incredibly well articulated! This just reassured me that sailing will be an amazing addition to osrs

  • @dabbles1729
    @dabbles1729 3 дня назад

    Sailing within itself is great. I think they have done a good job with the mechanics and exploration which I love. However I do resonate a bit with the minigame take because it does feel very standalone in alpha state, and I think that is more what people are getting at when they say it should be a minigame. Not that minigames are bad, they are fun but the skills they correlate with have uses all throughout Gilenor. I see how sailing is fun to train like in a minigame, but in alpha I see very little use outside of itself. Very little interaction with CURRENT map areas and other skills which is what players are most interested in seeing. We all know new islands can be added and the possibilities are endless, but how does it enhance the rest of our CURRENT game and skills? The alpha did not answer or show direction in that. Still had fun in the alpha and optimistic about it though.

    • @TheoryWiseOS
      @TheoryWiseOS  3 дня назад

      I agree that the moment-to-moment may feel like a system implemented in a minigame, but the general scope of Sailing being 10 or 20 times larger than any other Minigame is worth considering, and the fact that it exists in the overworld as well as directly connects multiple skills together gives it its own identity as a support/utility skill.
      I do agree that current map areas aren't interacted with as much, although I do love the Barracuda trial being placed around the Tempoross Island, since that makes so much sense. With that said, a lot of these thoughts could apply to Slayer as well, since just about everything added with Slayer as a skill was bespoke/new and not connected to the overworld (new caves/creatures/etc.).

  • @fabiopauli420
    @fabiopauli420 2 дня назад +2

    I will be honest: i had a blast with the Sailing alpha
    Port delivery tasks seam boring and too repetitive.
    The default rendering distance needs to be upped for barracuda trials in particular (I played the alpha without changing any settings on purpose)
    Weather Charting needs a rework
    THATS IT. I have no other complains.
    Ok maybe Salvage loot being too strong for level 30 but i assumed the loot they put into the alpha was just placeholders at best.

  • @10Alan17
    @10Alan17 3 дня назад +1

    Great video, lots of good points made. I just hope they make xp rates and rewards decent at the very least, then getting to 99 won't be so bad. Looking forward to it.

  • @ItsElliotGough
    @ItsElliotGough День назад


  • @Renzo_Benzo
    @Renzo_Benzo 2 дня назад +1

    had 0 faith in sailing but now i can see it fitting in

  • @Orangesoda65
    @Orangesoda65 3 дня назад +1

    Panic buy Sailing stocks

  • @GaybrohamStinkton
    @GaybrohamStinkton 3 дня назад +1

    Boarding would have been superior

  • @youknow-vy1pe
    @youknow-vy1pe 3 дня назад +2

    Runescape players and not liking change. Iconic duo. Great video. Summed up most of my thoughts I have on this conversation.